On 13/05/14 21:01, Dave Koelmeyer wrote:

On 13/04/14 19:17, Janne Jalkanen wrote:
Gave you admin access on the FB group :-)


On 13 Apr 2014, at 06:31 , Dave Koelmeyer <dave.koelme...@davekoelmeyer.co.nz> wrote:

Hi Janne/All,

A belated thanks for this. I believe since that group was created Facebook has focused far more on Pages as a business or organisation-specific promotion/marketing tool (cf. https://www.facebook.com/notes/324706977130).

Would we please be able to create a fresh Facebook Page for JSPWiki? And do we need sign-off from Apache for this?

Just a bump on this one :)


On 4/10/2014 8:54 PM, Siegfried Goeschl wrote: Hi folks,
the question at hand is to increase JSPWiki’s publicity - how can we do
that? Unfortunately Open Source also consists of lot of advertising
otherwise no user will ever use it :-)
Really ramping up activity on social networks would be a good idea, Facebook and Twitter specifically. There is a Facebook page with a whopping four members, and activity on there is all but dead. Happy to make a time commitment here to start posting fresh content.


Dave Koelmeyer

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