Hi David,

I would be fine with:
1. Only allowing merges if the build is green
2. Disabling all flaky tests that aren't fixed within a week. That is, if a
test is flaky for more than a week, it should be automatically disabled (it
doesn't add any value since it gets ignored).

We need both to make this work, if you just do step 1, then we will be
stuck with no ability to merge anything.


On Sat, Nov 11, 2023, 2:02 AM David Jacot <dja...@confluent.io.invalid>

> Hi all,
> The state of our CI worries me a lot. Just this week, we merged two PRs
> with compilation errors and one PR introducing persistent failures. This
> really hurts the quality and the velocity of the project and it basically
> defeats the purpose of having a CI because we tend to ignore it nowadays.
> Should we continue to merge without a green build? No! We should not so I
> propose to prevent merging a pull request without a green build. This is a
> really simple and bold move that will prevent us from introducing
> regressions and will improve the overall health of the project. At the same
> time, I think that we should disable all the known flaky tests, raise jiras
> for them, find an owner for each of them, and fix them.
> What do you think?
> Best,
> David

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