Hello, Stanislav.

Can you, please, make the gist public.
Private gists not available for some GitHub users even if link are known.

> 19 дек. 2023 г., в 17:33, Stanislav Kozlovski 
> <stanis...@confluent.io.INVALID> написал(а):
> Hey everybody,
> I've heard various complaints that build times in trunk are taking too
> long, some taking as much as 8 hours (the timeout) - and this is slowing us
> down from being able to meet the code freeze deadline for 3.7.
> I took it upon myself to gather up some data in Gradle Enterprise to see if
> there are any outlier tests that are causing this slowness. Turns out there
> are a few, in this particular build - https://ge.apache.org/s/un2hv7n6j374k/
> - which took 10 hours and 29 minutes in total.
> I have compiled the tests that took a disproportionately large amount of
> time (20m+), alongside their time, error message and a link to their full
> log output here -
> https://gist.github.com/stanislavkozlovski/8959f7ee59434f774841f4ae2f5228c2
> It includes failures from core, streams, storage and clients.
> Interestingly, some other tests that don't fail also take a long time in
> what is apparently the test harness framework. See the gist for more
> information.
> I am starting this thread with the intention of getting the discussion
> started and brainstorming what we can do to get the build times back under
> control.
> --
> Best,
> Stanislav

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