Hi all,

I would like to start a vote on switching to GitHub pull requests for new
contributions. To be precise, the vote is on whether we should:

* Update the documentation to tell users to use pull requests instead of
patches and Review Board (i.e. merge KAFKA-2321 and KAFKA-2349)
* Use pull requests for new contributions

In a previous discussion[1], everyone that participated was in favour. It's
also worth reading the "Contributing Code Changes" wiki page[2] (if you
haven't already) to understand the flow.

A number of pull requests have been merged in the last few weeks to test
this flow and I believe it's working well enough. As usual, there is always
room for improvement and I expect is to tweak things as time goes on.

The main downside of using GitHub pull requests is that we don't have write
access to https://github.com/apache/kafka. That means that we rely on
commit hooks to close integrated pull requests (the merge script takes care
of formatting the message so that this happens) and the PR creator or
Apache Infra to close pull requests that are not integrated.

Regarding existing contributions, I think it's up to the contributor to
decide whether they want to resubmit it as a pull request or not. I expect
that there will be a transition period where the old and new way will
co-exist. But that can be discussed separately.

The vote will run for 72 hours.

+1 (non-binding) from me.


[1] http://search-hadoop.com/m/uyzND1N6CDH1DUc82

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