
We have built the latest kafka from https://github.com/apache/kafka based
on this commit id 436b7ddc386eb688ba0f12836710f5e4bcaa06c8 .
We ran the performance test on a 3 node kafka cluster. There is a huge
throughput degradation using the new-consumer compared to the regular
consumer. Below are the numbers that explain the same.

bin/kafka-consumer-perf-test.sh --zookeeper zkIp:2181 --broker-list
brokerIp:9092 --topics test --messages 5000000 : gives a throughput of 693 K

bin/kafka-consumer-perf-test.sh --zookeeper zkIp:2181 --broker-list
brokerIp:9092 --topics test --messages 5000000 --new-consumer : gives a
throughput of  51k

The whole set up is based on ec2, Kafka brokers running on r3.2x large.

Are you guys aware of this performance degradation , do you have a JIRA for
this, which can be used to track the resolution.



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