Hi Jason,

Thanks for the thoughtful comments.
Please see my response below.

BTW, I have been trying to update the KIP with some of the recent 
discussions on the mailing list.


From:   Jason Gustafson <ja...@confluent.io>
To:     dev@kafka.apache.org
Date:   06/27/2016 12:53 PM
Subject:        Re: [DISCUSS] KIP-54 Sticky Partition Assignment Strategy

Hey Vahid,

Comments below:

I'm not very clear on the first part of this paragraph. You could clarify
> it for me, but in general balancing out the partitions across consumers 
> a group as much as possible would normally mean balancing the load 
> the cluster, and that's something a user would want to have compared to
> cases where the assignments and therefore the load could be quite
> unbalanced depending on the subscriptions.

I'm just wondering what kind of use cases require differing subscriptions
in a steady state. Usually we expect all consumers in the group to have 
same subscription, in which case the balance provided by round robin 
be even (in terms of the number of assigned partitions). The only case 
comes to mind is a rolling upgrade scenario in which the consumers in the
group are restarted one by one with an updated subscription. It would be
ideal to provide better balance in this situation, but once the upgrade
finishes, the assignment should be balanced again, so it's unclear to me
how significant the gain is. On the other hand, if there are cases which
require differing subscriptions in a long term state, it would make this
feature more compelling.

I agree that if we care only about a balanced assignment with same 
subscriptions the round robin assignment is a good choice. But if we bring 
in stickiness to the mix it won't be guaranteed by the round robin 
assignor. An example (as Andrew mentioned in his earlier note) is elastic 
consumers that come and go automatically depending on the load and how 
much they lag behind. If these consumer maintain state of the partitions 
they consume from it would be reasonable to want them to stick to their 
assigned partitions, rather than having to repeat partition cleanup every 
time the number of consumers changes due to an increase or decrease in 

I'll also think about it and let you know if I come up with a use case 
with differing subscriptions. If differing subscriptions turns out not to 
be a common use case, the design and implementation of the sticky assignor 
could be modified to a far less complex setting so that 
fairness/stickiness can be guaranteed for same subscriptions. As I 
mentioned before, the current design / implementation is comprehensive and 
can be tweaked towards a less complex solution if further assumptions can 
be made.

Since the new consumer is single threaded there is no such problem in its
> round robin strategy. It simply considers consumers one by one for each
> partition assignment, and when one consumer is assigned a partition, the
> next assignment starts with considering the next consumer in the list 
> not the same consumer that was just assigned). This removes the
> possibility of the issue reported in KAFKA-2019 surfacing in the new
> consumer. In the sticky strategy we do not have this issue either, since
> every time an assignment is about to happen we start with the consumer
> with least number of assignments. So we will not have a scenario where a
> consumer is repeated assigned partitions as in KAFKA-2019 (unless that
> consumer is lagging behind other consumers on the number of partitions
> assigned).

Thanks for checking into this. I think the other factor is that the round
robin assignor sorts the consumers using the id given them by the
coordinator, which at the moment looks like this: "{clientId}-{uuid}". So
if the group uses a common clientId, then it shouldn't usually be the case
that two consumers on the same host get ordered together. We could 
change the order of these fields in a compatible way if we didn't like the
dependence on the clientId. It seems anyway that the sticky assignor is 
needed to deal with this problem.

That's correct, and thanks for going into the issue in more details.

Even though consumer groups are usually stable, it might be the case that
> consumers do not initially join the group at the same time. The sticky
> strategy in that situation lets those who joined earlier stick to their
> partitions to some extent (assuming fairness take precedence over
> stickiness). In terms of specific use cases, Andrew touched on examples 
> how Kafka can benefit from a sticky assignor. I could add those to the 
> if you also think they help building the case in favor of sticky 
> I agree with you about the downside and I'll make sure I add that to the
> KIP as you suggested.

Yep, I agree that it helps in some situations, but I think the impact is
amortized over the life of the group. It also takes a bit more work to
explain this to users and may require them to change their usage pattern a
little bit. I think we expect users to do something like the following in
their rebalance listener:

class MyRebalanceListener {
  void onPartitionsRevoked(Collection<TopicPartition> partitions) {
    for (TopicPartition partition : partitions) {

  void onPartitionsAssigned(Collection<TopicPartition> partitions) {
    for (TopicPartition partition : partitions) {

This is fairly intuitive, but if you use this pattern, then sticky
assignment doesn't give you anything because you always cleanup state 
to the rebalance. Instead you need to do something like this:

class MyRebalanceListener {
  Collection<TopicPartition> lastAssignment = Collections.emptyList();

  void onPartitionsRevoked(Collection<TopicPartition> partitions) {
    for (TopicPartition partition : partitions) {

  void onPartitionsAssigned(Collection<TopicPartition> assignment) {
    for (TopicPartition partition : difference(lastAssignment, assignment) 

    for (TopicPartition partition : difference(assignment, lastAssignment) 

    for (TopicPartition partition : assignment) {

    this.lastAssignment = assignment;

This seems harder to explain and probably is the reason why Andy was
suggesting that it would be more ideal if we could simply skip the call to
onRevoked() if the partitions remain assigned to the consumer after the
rebalance. Unfortunately, the need to commit offsets prior to rebalancing
makes this tricky. The other option suggested by Andy would be to 
a third method in the rebalance listener (e.g. 
Then the consumer would call doOffsetCommit() prior to every rebalance, 
only invoke onPartitionsRevoked() when partitions have actually been
assigned to another consumer following the rebalance. Either way, we're
making the API more complex, which would be nice to avoid unless really

Thanks for the code snippets. They look good and understandable given the 
current callback listeners design.
I agree that with an additional callback as Andy suggested things would be 
easier to justify and explain. As you mentioned, it's a matter of whether 
we want the additional complexity that comes with it.

Overall, I think my feeling at the moment is that the sticky assignor is a
nice improvement over the currently available assignors, but the gain 
a little marginal and maybe not worth the cost of the complexity mentioned
above. It's not a strong feeling though and it would be nice to hear what
others think. The other thing worth mentioning is that we've talked a few
times in the past about the concept of "partial rebalancing," which would
allow the group to reassign only a subset of the partitions it was
consuming. This would let part of the group continue consuming while the
group is rebalancing. We don't have any proposals ready to support this,
but if we want to have this long term, then it might reduce some of the
benefit provided by the sticky assignor.

Understood, and thanks for sharing your concerns and feedback. I hope we 
can get more feedback from the community on whether a sticky partition 
assignment strategy in any form is beneficial to Kafka.


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