With the marker we have substituted a failure problem for a liveness problem in 
that under repeated failure the other instances will not do any useful work.

As mentioned in the other email, I don't know if we need to worry about that 
corner case just yet.


> On 30 Nov 2016, at 20:06, Matthias J. Sax <matth...@confluent.io> wrote:
> Eno,
>> So in general, we have the problem of failures during writes to the
> metadata topic itself.
> The KIP suggests to use marker messaged for this case. The marker is
> either written (indicating success) or not. If not, after
> failure/rebalance the (new) group leader will collect HW again. As long
> as the marker is not written, all other instances will not start
> processing -- they block until they read the marker which ensures that
> the HW is fixed.
>> feel like we are trying to provide some sort of synchronization
> between app instances
> Not really. Only at application startup, instances reading source topics
> need to wait until the leader did write the stop offsets into the
> metadata topic (success determined by a marker record). Everything else
> is still completely decoupled. The only add-on if for consumer of
> intermediate topics -- they don't pick up the stop offsets at start up
> but whenever they are available later on.
> Does this make sense?
> -Matthias
> On 11/30/16 2:40 AM, Eno Thereska wrote:
>> Hi Matthias,
>> I like the first part of the KIP. However, the second part with the failure 
>> modes and metadata topic is quite complex and I'm worried it doesn't solve 
>> the problems you mention under failure. For example, the application can 
>> fail before writing to the metadata topic. In that case, it is not clear 
>> what the second app instance should do (for the handling of intermediate 
>> topics case). So in general, we have the problem of failures during writes 
>> to the metadata topic itself.
>> Also, for the intermediate topics example, I feel like we are trying to 
>> provide some sort of synchronisation between app instances with this 
>> approach. By default today such synchronisation does not exist. One 
>> instances writes to the intermediate topic, and the other reads from it, but 
>> only eventually. That is a nice way to decouple instances in my opinion. 
>> The user can always run the batch processing multiple times and eventually 
>> all instances will produce some output. The user's app can check whether the 
>> output size is satisfactory and then not run any further loops. So I feel 
>> they can already get a lot with the simpler first part of the KIP.
>> Thanks
>> Eno
>>> On 30 Nov 2016, at 05:45, Matthias J. Sax <matth...@confluent.io> wrote:
>>> Thanks for your input.
>>> To clarify: the main reason to add the metadata topic is to cope with
>>> subtopologies that are connected via intermediate topic (either
>>> user-defined via through() or internally created for data repartitioning).
>>> Without this handling, the behavior would be odd and user experience
>>> would be bad.
>>> Thus, using the metadata topic for have a "fixed HW" is just a small
>>> add-on -- and more or less for free, because the metadata topic is
>>> already there.
>>> -Matthias
>>> On 11/29/16 7:53 PM, Neha Narkhede wrote:
>>>> Thanks for initiating this. I think this is a good first step towards
>>>> unifying batch and stream processing in Kafka.
>>>> I understood this capability to be simple yet very useful; it allows a
>>>> Streams program to process a log, in batch, in arbitrary windows defined by
>>>> the difference between the HW and the current offset. Basically, it
>>>> provides a simple means for a Streams program to "stop" after processing a
>>>> batch, stop (just like a batch program would) and continue where it left
>>>> off when restarted. In other words, it allows batch processing behavior for
>>>> a Streams app without code changes.
>>>> This feature is useful but I do not think there is a necessity to add a
>>>> metadata topic. After all, the user doesn't really care as much about
>>>> exactly where the batch ends. This feature allows an app to "process as
>>>> much as there is data to process" and the way it determines how much data
>>>> there is to process is by reading the HW on startup. If there is new data
>>>> written to the log right after it starts up, it will process it when
>>>> restarted the next time. If it starts, reads HW but fails, it will restart
>>>> and process a little more before it stops again. The fact that the HW
>>>> changes in some scenarios isn't an issue since a batch program that behaves
>>>> this way doesn't really care exactly what that HW is.
>>>> There might be cases which require adding more topics but I would shy away
>>>> from adding complexity wherever possible as it complicates operations and
>>>> reduces simplicity.
>>>> Other than this issue, I'm +1 on adding this feature. I think it is pretty
>>>> powerful.
>>>> On Mon, Nov 28, 2016 at 10:48 AM Matthias J. Sax <matth...@confluent.io>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> I want to start a discussion about KIP-95:
>>>>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-95%3A+Incremental+Batch+Processing+for+Kafka+Streams
>>>>> Looking forward to your feedback.
>>>>> -Matthias
>>>>> --
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Neha

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