A couple of remaining questions:

- it says in the KIP: "because the metadata topic must be consumed by all 
instances, we need to assign the topic’s partitions manually and do not commit 
offsets -- we also need to seekToBeginning() each time we consume the metadata 
topic)" . How big of a change is allowing a topic to be consumed by all 

- for the case when we have a single instance, with intermediate topics etc, 
could we keep the data that we want to persist in the metadata topic in memory 
instead? What is the advantage of persisting this data? I understand the need 
if we have an application with multiple instances on different servers (but I 
still don't think we need to handle that case). Is there a need to persist data 
for a single instance? It would help if we enumerate the exact failure 
scenarios and how persisting the data helps. So I think you convinced me that 
this metadata is useful in the previous email, now I'm asking if it needs 

I'm really trying to avoid having the metadata topic. It's one more topic that 
needs to be kept around and maintained carefully with all failure cases 
considered. With EoS around the corner introducing its own internal topic(s), 
and atomicity when writing to multiple topics, in my mind there is real value 
if we can have a solution without an extra topic for now.


> On 28 Nov 2016, at 18:47, Matthias J. Sax <matth...@confluent.io> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I want to start a discussion about KIP-95:
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-95%3A+Incremental+Batch+Processing+for+Kafka+Streams
> Looking forward to your feedback.
> -Matthias

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