Hey Ismael,

I get your concern that it is more likely for a disk to be slow, or exhibit
other forms of non-fatal symptom, after some known fatal error. Then it is
weird for user to start broker with the likely-problematic disk in the
broker config. In that case, I think there are two things user can do:

1) Intentionally change the log directory in the config to point to a file.
This is a bit hacky but it works well before we make more-appropriate
long-term change in Kafka to handle this case.
2) Just don't start broker with bad log directories. Always fix disk before
restarting the broker. This is a safe approach that is no worse than
current practice.

Would this address your concern if I specify the problem and the two
solutions in the KIP?


On Tue, Mar 14, 2017 at 3:29 PM, Dong Lin <lindon...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hey Ismael,
> Thanks for the comment. Please see my reply below.
> On Tue, Mar 14, 2017 at 10:31 AM, Ismael Juma <ism...@juma.me.uk> wrote:
>> Thanks Dong. Comments inline.
>> On Fri, Mar 10, 2017 at 6:25 PM, Dong Lin <lindon...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> >
>> > I get your point. But I am not sure we should recommend user to simply
>> > remove disk from the broker config. If user simply does this without
>> > checking the utilization of good disks, replica on the bad disk will be
>> > re-created on the good disk and may overload the good disks, causing
>> > cascading failure.
>> >
>> Good point.
>> >
>> > I agree with you and Colin that slow disk may cause problem. However,
>> > performance degradation due to slow disk this is an existing problem
>> that
>> > is not detected or handled by Kafka or KIP-112.
>> I think an important difference is that a number of disk errors are
>> currently fatal and won't be after KIP-112. So it introduces new scenarios
>> (for example, bouncing a broker that is working fine although some disks
>> have been marked bad).
> Hmm.. I am still trying to understand why KIP-112 creates new scenarios.
> Slow disk is not considered fatal error and won't be caught by either
> existing Kafka design or this KIP. If any disk is marked bad, it means
> broker encounters IOException when accessing disk, most likely the broker
> will encounter IOException again when accessing this disk and mark this
> disk as bad after bounce. I guess you are talking about the case that a
> disk is marked bad, broker is bounced, then the disk provides degraded
> performance without being marked bad, right? But this seems to be an
> existing problem we already have today with slow disk.
> Here are the possible scenarios with bad disk after broker bounce:
> 1) bad disk -> broker bounce -> good disk. This would be great.
> 2) bad disk -> broker bounce -> slow disk. Slow disk is an existing
> problem that is not addressed by Kafka today.
> 3) bad disk -> broker bounce -> bad disk. This is handled by this KIP such
> that only replicas on the bad disk become offline.
>> > Detection and handling of
>> > slow disk is a separate problem that needs to be addressed in a future
>> KIP.
>> > It is currently listed in the future work. Does this sound OK?
>> >
>> I'm OK with it being handled in the future. In the meantime, I was just
>> hoping that we can make it clear to users about the potential issue of a
>> disk marked as bad becoming good again after a bounce (which can be
>> dangerous).
>> The main benefit of creating the second topic after log directory goes
>> > offline is that we can make sure the second topic is created on the good
>> > log directory. I am not sure we can simply assume that the first topic
>> will
>> > always be created on the first log directory in the broker config and
>> the
>> > second topic will be created on the second log directory in the broker
>> > config.
>> > However, I can add this test in KIP-113 which allows user to
>> > re-assign replica to specific log directory of a broker. Is this OK?
>> >
>> OK. Please add a note to KIP-112 about this as well (so that it's clear
>> why
>> we only do it in KIP-113).
> Sure. Instead of adding note to KIP-112, I have added test in KIP-113 to
> verify that bad log directories discovered during runtime would not affect
> replicas on the good log directories. Does this address the problem?
>> Ismael

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