I'm very happy with the milestones but worried about the versioning number.
It seems it will mostly bring stuff out of deprecation vs actually bringing
in breaking features. A 2.0 to me should bring something major to the
table, possibly breaking, which would justify a big number hop. I'm still
new to software development in the oss, but that's my two cents

On 9 Nov. 2017 8:44 pm, "Ismael Juma" <ism...@juma.me.uk> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm starting this discussion early because of the potential impact.
> Kafka 1.0.0 was just released and the focus was on achieving the original
> project vision in terms of features provided while maintaining
> compatibility for the most part (i.e. we did not remove deprecated
> components like the Scala clients).
> This was the right decision, in my opinion, but it's time to start thinking
> about 2.0.0, which is an opportunity for us to remove major deprecated
> components and to benefit from Java 8 language enhancements (so that we can
> move faster). So, I propose the following for Kafka 2.0.0:
> 1. It should be released in June 2018
> 2. The Scala clients (Consumer, SimpleConsumer, Producer, SyncProducer)
> will be removed
> 3. Java 8 or higher will be required, i.e. support for Java 7 will be
> dropped.
> Thoughts?
> Ismael

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