Hi all, 

I've updated KIP with few more details:
Added (proposed) Changes in binary message format 
Added Changes from producer perspective 
Added Changes from consumer perspective 

Let me know if it makes sense to you.


> On Dec 7, 2017, at 2:46 PM, Konstantin Chukhlomin <chuhlo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Matthias,
> Indeed for consumers it will be not obvious what −1 means: actual timestamp
> or no timestamp. Nevertheless, it's just −1 millisecond, so I thought it will 
> be 
> not a big deal to leave it (not clean, but acceptable).
> I agree that it will much cleaner to have a different type of topics that 
> support
> negative timestamp and/or threat Long.MIN_VALUE as a no-timestamp.
> I'll update KIP to make it a proposed solution.
> Thanks,
> Konstantin
>> On Dec 5, 2017, at 7:06 PM, Matthias J. Sax <matth...@confluent.io> wrote:
>> Thanks for the KIP Konstantin.
>> From my understanding, you propose to just remove the negative timestamp
>> check in KafkaProducer and KafkaStreams. If topics are configured with
>> `CreateTime` brokers also write negative timestamps if they are embedded
>> in the message.
>> However, I am not sure about the overlapping semantics for -1 timestamp.
>> My concerns is, that this ambiguity might result in issues. Assume that
>> there is a topic (configured with `CreateTime`) for which an old and a
>> new producer are writing. The old producer uses old message format and
>> does not include any timestamp in the message. The broker will "upgrade"
>> this message to the new format and set -1. At the same time, the new
>> producer could write a message with valid timestamp -1. A consumer could
>> not distinguish between both cases...
>> Also, there might be other Producer implementations that write negative
>> timestamps. Thus, those might already exist. For Streams, we don't
>> process those and we should make sure to keep it this way (to avoid
>> ambiguity).
>> Thus, it might actually make sense to introduce a new timestamp type to
>> express those new semantics. The question is still, how to deal with
>> older producer clients that want to write to those topics.
>> - We could either use `Long.MIN_VALUE` as "unknown" (this would be way
>> better than -1 as it's not in the middle of the range but at the very
>> end and it will also have well-defined semantics).
>> - Or we use a "mixed-mode" where we use broker wall-clock time for
>> older message formats (ie, append time semantics for older producers)
>> - Third, we would even give an error message back to older producers;
>> this might change the backward compatibility guarantees Kafka provides
>> so far when upgrading brokers. However, this would not affect exiting
>> topics, but only newly created ones (and we could disallow changing the
>> semantics to the new timestamp type to guard against miss
>> configuration). Thus, it might be ok.
>> For Streams, we could check the topic config and process negative
>> timestamps only if the topic is configures with the new timestamp type.
>> Maybe I am a little bit to paranoid about overloading -1 semantics.
>> Curious to get feedback from others.
>> -Matthias
>> On 12/5/17 1:24 PM, Konstantin Chukhlomin wrote:
>>> Hi Dong,
>>> Currently we are storing historical timestamp in the message.
>>> What we are trying to achieve is to make it possible to do Kafka lookup 
>>> by timestamp. Ideally I would do `offsetsForTimes` to find articles 
>>> published 
>>> in 1910s (if we are storing articles on the log).
>>> So first two suggestions aren't really covering our use-case.
>>> We could create a new timestamp type like "HistoricalTimestamp" or 
>>> "MaybeNegativeTimestamp".
>>> And the only difference between this one and CreateTime is that it could be 
>>> negative.
>>> I tend to use CreateTime for this purpose because it's easier to understand 
>>> from 
>>> user perspective as a timestamp which publisher can set.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Konstantin
>>>> On Dec 5, 2017, at 3:47 PM, Dong Lin <lindon...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hey Konstantin,
>>>> Thanks for the KIP. I have a few questions below.
>>>> Strictly speaking Kafka actually allows you to store historical data. And
>>>> user are free to encode arbitrary timestamp field in their Kafka message.
>>>> For example, your Kafka message can currently have Json or Avro format and
>>>> you can put a timestamp field there. Do you think that could address your
>>>> use-case?
>>>> Alternatively, KIP-82 introduced Record Header in Kafka and you can also
>>>> define your customized key/value pair in the header. Do you think this can
>>>> address your use-case?
>>>> Also, currently there are two types of timestamp according to KIP-32. If
>>>> the type is LogAppendTime then the timestamp value is the time when broker
>>>> receives the message. If the type is CreateTime then the timestamp value is
>>>> determined when producer produces message. With these two definitions, the
>>>> timestamp should always be positive. We probably need a new type here if we
>>>> can not put timestamp in the Record Header or the message payload. Does
>>>> this sound reasonable?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Dong
>>>> On Tue, Dec 5, 2017 at 8:40 AM, Konstantin Chukhlomin <chuhlo...@gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> I have created a KIP to support negative timestamp:
>>>>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-
>>>>> 228+Negative+record+timestamp+support <https://cwiki.apache.org/
>>>>> confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-228+Negative+record+timestamp+support>
>>>>> Here are proposed changes: https://github.com/apache/
>>>>> kafka/compare/trunk...chuhlomin:trunk <https://github.com/apache/
>>>>> kafka/compare/trunk...chuhlomin:trunk>
>>>>> I'm pretty sure that not cases are covered, so comments and suggestions
>>>>> are welcome.
>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>> Konstantin

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