
Under rejected alternatives, we had decided that we did NOT want to do 
per-partition expiration, and instead we wait until the entire group is empty 
and then (after the right time has passed) expire the entire group at once.

I thought of one scenario that might benefit from per-partition expiration.

Let's say I have topics A B C... Z. So, I have 26 topics, all of them single 
partition, so 26 partitions. Let's say I have mirrormaker mirroring those 26 
topics. The group will then have 26 committed offsets.

Let's say I then change the whitelist on mirrormaker so that it only mirrors 
topic Z, but I keep the same consumer group name. (I imagine that is a common 
thing to do?)

With the proposed design for this KIP, the committed offsets for topics A 
through Y will stay around as long as this mirroring group name exists.

In the current implementation that already exists (prior to this KIP), I belive 
that committed offsets for topics A through Y will expire.

How much do we care about this case?


> On Jan 23, 2018, at 11:44 PM, Jeff Widman <> wrote:
> Bumping this as I'd like to see it land...
> It's one of the "features" that tends to catch Kafka n00bs unawares and
> typically results in message skippage/loss, vs the proposed solution is
> much more intuitive behavior.
> Plus it's more wire efficient because consumers no longer need to commit
> offsets for partitions that have no new messages just to keep those offsets
> alive.
> On Fri, Jan 12, 2018 at 10:21 AM, Vahid S Hashemian <
>> wrote:
>> There has been no further discussion on this KIP for about two months.
>> So I thought I'd provide the scoop hoping it would spark additional
>> feedback and move the KIP forward.
>> The KIP proposes a method to preserve group offsets as long as the group
>> is not in Empty state (even when offsets are committed very rarely), and
>> start the offset expiration of the group as soon as the group becomes
>> Empty.
>> It suggests dropping the `retention_time` field from the `OffsetCommit`
>> request and, instead, enforcing it via the broker config
>> `offsets.retention.minutes` for all groups. In other words, all groups
>> will have the same retention time.
>> The KIP presumes that this global retention config would suffice common
>> use cases and does not lead to, e.g., unmanageable offset cache size (for
>> groups that don't need to stay around that long). It suggests opening
>> another KIP if this global retention setting proves to be problematic in
>> the future. It was suggested earlier in the discussion thread that the KIP
>> should propose a per-group retention config to circumvent this risk.
>> I look forward to hearing your thoughts. Thanks!
>> --Vahid
>> From:   "Vahid S Hashemian" <>
>> To:     dev <>
>> Date:   10/18/2017 04:45 PM
>> Subject:        [DISCUSS] KIP-211: Revise Expiration Semantics of Consumer
>> Group Offsets
>> Hi all,
>> I created a KIP to address the group offset expiration issue reported in
>> KAFKA-4682:
>> apache.org_confluence_display_KAFKA_KIP-2D211-253A-2BRevise-
>> 2BExpiration-2BSemantics-2Bof-2BConsumer-2BGroup-2BOffsets&
>> d=DwIFAg&c=jf_iaSHvJObTbx-siA1ZOg&r=Q_itwloTQj3_xUKl7Nzswo6KE4Nj-
>> kjJc7uSVcviKUc&m=JkzH_2jfSMhCUPMk3rUasrjDAId6xbAEmX7_shSYdU4&s=
>> UBu7D2Obulg0fterYxL5m8xrDWkF_O2kGlygTCWsfFc&e=
>> Your feedback is welcome!
>> Thanks.
>> --Vahid
> -- 
> *Jeff Widman*
> <> | 740-WIDMAN-J (943-6265)
> <><

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