> I feel this would make the current protocol harder to use. For example, on
> KStream we typically would expect (number of instances * number of threads
> per instance) consumers. Giving out all this many member names in a list
> may not be easy, compared with dynamic generation of member names, at least
> for KStream use case.

That's a fair point. What I had in mind is for the API to specify the
number of consumers in the group. Then the ids would be determined using
some convention. Most likely, we would just use sequential numbers 0, 1, 2,
etc. We do the same thing for partition ids. Streams folks can chime in and
say whether that would work or not.

So this suggests we will not rely on heartbeat and commit interval to
> trigger rebalance? Even in static membership, I feel tracking active
> members is still required to be handled by broker since not all users are
> fully equipped with monitoring tools, otherwise users will feel
> uncomfortable using static membership solely for reducing rebalance purpose.

Let me clarify. I think it is still useful to distinguish the liveness of
the consumer using the heartbeat mechanism and to propagate that
information to the leader during rebalances. This gives the group leader
the option (but not the requirement) to change the partition assignment for
inactive members. My suggestion was more about how long the static
registration would remain valid. In the current proposal we have a
registration timeout, and I think Mayuresh is fair to point out the
potential confusion with the session timeout. It's kind of the same, but
not exactly. So instead, I was thinking that the registration is specified
ahead of time and remains valid until changed. It would be more like a
replica assignment. We don't move partitions just because a broker is down.
The expectation is that it the broker will eventually return. Similarly for
stateful applications, we would have the option to do the same thing. The
registration is fixed until someone changes it.

Does that make sense?


On Wed, Nov 14, 2018 at 2:46 PM, Boyang Chen <bche...@outlook.com> wrote:

> Thanks Jason for the suggestions! I update the KIP with full schema
> changes.
> > we offer an admin API that lets a user define the expected members of
> the group.
> I feel this would make the current protocol harder to use. For example, on
> KStream we typically would expect (number of instances * number of threads
> per instance) consumers. Giving out all this many member names in a list
> may not be easy, compared with dynamic generation of member names, at least
> for KStream use case.
> > For the sake of discussion, I was wondering if we could just say that
> static members do not expire.
> So this suggests we will not rely on heartbeat and commit interval to
> trigger rebalance? Even in static membership, I feel tracking active
> members is still required to be handled by broker since not all users are
> fully equipped with monitoring tools, otherwise users will feel
> uncomfortable using static membership solely for reducing rebalance purpose.
> For the admin API design, I'm simplifying the join group request handling,
> while using admin tool to switch between static and dynamic membership and
> set the two corresponding timeouts. Do you think this approach makes sense?
> The version one implementation will be much more clean if we handle
> membership change through user intervention.
> Best,
> Boyang
> ________________________________
> From: Jason Gustafson <ja...@confluent.io>
> Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2018 9:31 AM
> To: dev
> Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] KIP-345: Reduce multiple consumer rebalances by
> specifying member id
> Hey Boyang,
> Thanks for the updates. From a high level, I think this actually
> complements Konstantine's writeup on incremental rebalancing. The gap we're
> addressing is providing a way to bind the the partition assignment of a
> group to a set of user-provided ids so that we are not so reliant on the
> group's immediate state. For example, these ids might identify the state
> store volume for particular streams instances. This is basically what you
> need to work well with k8s stateful sets (as far as I understand them).
> One key decision is how we would define and update the expected static
> members in a consumer group. The mechanics of the registration and
> expansion timeouts feel a little bit clunky. For the sake of discussion, I
> was wondering if we could just say that static members do not expire.
> Instead, we offer an admin API that lets a user define the expected members
> of the group. This API could be used to both grow and shrink a group. This
> would solve the rebalancing problems when applications are initially
> bootstrapped or when they are restarted because we would always know how
> many members should be in a group. What do you think?
> By the way, it would be helpful to include the full schema definition for
> any protocol changes in the proposal.
> Thanks,
> Jason
> On Mon, Nov 12, 2018 at 8:56 AM, Boyang Chen <bche...@outlook.com> wrote:
> > Thanks Mayuresh for the feedback! Do you have a quick example for passing
> > in consumer config dynamically? I mainly use Kafka Streams at my daily
> work
> > so probably missing the idea how to do it in the current consumer
> setting.
> >
> >
> > For differentiating session timeout and registration timeout, I would try
> > to enhance the documentation in the first stage to see how people react
> to
> > the confusion (would be great if they feel straightforward!). Since one
> > doesn't have to fully understand the difference unless defining the new
> > config "member name", for current users we could buy some time to listen
> to
> > their understandings and improve our documentation correspondingly in the
> > follow-up KIPs.
> >
> >
> > Boyang
> >
> > ________________________________
> > From: Mayuresh Gharat <gharatmayures...@gmail.com>
> > Sent: Sunday, November 11, 2018 1:06 PM
> > To: dev@kafka.apache.org
> > Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] KIP-345: Reduce multiple consumer rebalances by
> > specifying member id
> >
> > Hi Boyang,
> >
> > Thanks for the reply.
> >
> > Please find the replies inline below :
> > For having a consumer config at runtime, I think it's not necessary to
> > address in this KIP because most companies run sidecar jobs through
> daemon
> > software like puppet. It should be easy to change the config through
> script
> > or UI without actual code change. We still want to leave flexibility for
> > user to define member name as they like.
> > ---- This might be little different for companies that use configuration
> > management tools that does not allow the applications to define/change
> the
> > configs dynamically. For example, if we use something similar to spring
> to
> > pull in the configs for the KafkaConsumer and pass it to the constructor
> to
> > create the KafkaConsumer object, it will be hard to specify a unique
> value
> > to the "MEMBER_NAME" config unless someone deploying the app generates a
> > unique string for this config outside the deployment workflow and copies
> it
> > statically before starting up each consumer instance. Unless we can
> loosen
> > the criteria for uniqueness of this config value, for each consumer
> > instance in the consumer group, I am not sure of a better way of
> > addressing this. If we don't want to loosen the criteria, then providing
> a
> > dynamic way to pass this in at runtime, would put the onus of having the
> > same unique value each time a consumer is restarted, on to the
> application
> > that is running the consumer.
> >
> > I just updated the kip about having both "registration timeout" and
> > "session timeout". The benefit of having two configs instead of one is to
> > reduce the mental burden for operation, for example user just needs to
> > unset "member name" to cast back to dynamic membership without worrying
> > about tuning the "session timeout" back to a smaller value.
> > --- That is a good point. I was thinking, if both the configs are
> > specified, it would be confusing for the end user without understanding
> the
> > internals of the consumer and its interaction with group coordinator, as
> > which takes precedence when and how it affects the consumer behavior.
> Just
> > my 2 cents.
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Mayuresh
> >
> > On Fri, Nov 9, 2018 at 8:27 PM Boyang Chen <bche...@outlook.com> wrote:
> >
> > > Hey Mayuresh,
> > >
> > >
> > > thanks for the thoughtful questions! Let me try to answer your
> questions
> > > one by one.
> > >
> > >
> > > For having a consumer config at runtime, I think it's not necessary to
> > > address in this KIP because most companies run sidecar jobs through
> > daemon
> > > software like puppet. It should be easy to change the config through
> > script
> > > or UI without actual code change. We still want to leave flexibility
> for
> > > user to define member name as they like.
> > >
> > >
> > > I just updated the kip about having both "registration timeout" and
> > > "session timeout". The benefit of having two configs instead of one is
> to
> > > reduce the mental burden for operation, for example user just needs to
> > > unset "member name" to cast back to dynamic membership without worrying
> > > about tuning the "session timeout" back to a smaller value.
> > >
> > >
> > > For backup topic, I think it's a low-level detail which could be
> > addressed
> > > in the implementation. I feel no preference of adding a new topic vs
> > reuse
> > > consumer offsets topic. I will do more analysis and make a trade-off
> > > comparison. Nice catch!
> > >
> > >
> > > I hope the explanations make sense to you. I will keep polishing on the
> > > edge cases and details.
> > >
> > >
> > > Best,
> > >
> > > Boyang
> > >
> > > ________________________________
> > > From: Mayuresh Gharat <gharatmayures...@gmail.com>
> > > Sent: Saturday, November 10, 2018 10:25 AM
> > > To: dev@kafka.apache.org
> > > Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] KIP-345: Reduce multiple consumer rebalances by
> > > specifying member id
> > >
> > > Hi Boyang,
> > >
> > > Thanks for the KIP and sorry for being late to the party. This KIP is
> > > really useful for us at Linkedin.
> > >
> > > I had a few questions :
> > >
> > > The idea of having static member name seems nice, but instead of a
> > config,
> > > would it be possible for it to be passed in to the consumer at runtime?
> > > This is because an app might want to decide the config value at runtime
> > > using its host information for example, to generate the unique member
> > name.
> > >
> > > Also the KIP talks about using the "REGISTRATION_TIMEOUT_MS". I was
> > > wondering if we can reuse the session timeout here. This might help us
> to
> > > have one less config on the consumer.
> > >
> > > The KIP also talks about adding another internal topic
> > "static_member_map".
> > > Would the semantics (GroupCoordinator broker, topic configs) be the
> same
> > as
> > > __consumer_offsets topic?
> > >
> > > Thanks,
> > >
> > > Mayuresh
> > >
> > >
> > > On Wed, Nov 7, 2018 at 12:17 AM Boyang Chen <bche...@outlook.com>
> wrote:
> > >
> > > > I took a quick pass of the proposal. First I would say it's a very
> > > > brilliant initiative from Konstantine and Confluent folks. To draft
> up
> > a
> > > > proposal like this needs deep understanding of the rebalance
> protocol!
> > I
> > > > summarized some thoughts here.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Overall the motivations of the two proposals align on that:
> > > >
> > > >   1.  Both believe the invariant resource (belonging to the same
> > process)
> > > > should be preserved across rebalance.
> > > >   2.  Transit failures (K8 thread death) shouldn't trigger resource
> > > > redistribution. I don't use rebalance here since part one of the
> > > > cooperative proposal could potentially introduce more rebalances but
> > only
> > > > on must-move resources.
> > > >   3.  Scale up/down and rolling bounce are causing unnecessary
> resource
> > > > shuffling that need to be mitigated.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > On motivation level, I think both approach could solve/mitigate the
> > above
> > > > issues. They are just different in design philosophy, or I would say
> > the
> > > > perspective difference between framework user and algorithm designer.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Two proposals have different focuses. KIP-345 is trying to place more
> > > > fine-grained control on the broker side to reduce the unnecessary
> > > > rebalances, while keeping the client logic intact. This is pretty
> > > intuitive
> > > > cause-effect for normal developers who are not very familiar with
> > > rebalance
> > > > protocol. As a developer working with Kafka Streams daily, I'd be
> happy
> > > to
> > > > see a simplified rebalance protocol and just focus on maintaining the
> > > > stream/consumer jobs. Too many rebalances raised my concern on the
> job
> > > > health. To be concise, static membership has the advantage of
> reducing
> > > > mental burden.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Cooperative proposal takes thoughtful approach on client side. We
> want
> > to
> > > > have fine-grained control on the join/exit group behaviors and make
> the
> > > > current dynamic membership better to address above issues. I do feel
> > our
> > > > idea crossed on the delayed rebalance when we scale up/down, which
> > could
> > > > potentially reduce the state shuffling and decouple the behavior from
> > > > session timeout which is already overloaded.  In this sense, I
> believe
> > > both
> > > > approaches would serve well in making "reasonable rebalance" happen
> at
> > > the
> > > > "right timing".
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > However, based on my understanding, either 345 or cooperative
> > rebalancing
> > > > is not solving the problem Mike has proposed: could we do a better
> job
> > at
> > > > scaling up/down in ideal timing? My initial response was to introduce
> > an
> > > > admin API which now I feel is sub-optimal, in that the goal of smooth
> > > > transition is to make sure the newly up hosts are actually "ready".
> For
> > > > example:
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > We have 4 instance reading from 8 topic partitions (= 8 tasks). At
> some
> > > > time we would like to scale up to 8 hosts, with the current
> > improvements
> > > we
> > > > could reduce 4 potential rebalances to a single one. But the new
> hosts
> > > are
> > > > yet unknown to be "ready" if they need to reconstruct the local
> state.
> > To
> > > > be actually ready, we need 4 standby tasks running on those empty
> hosts
> > > and
> > > > leader needs to wait for the signal of "replay/reconstruct complete"
> to
> > > > actually involve them into the main consumer group. Otherwise,
> > rebalance
> > > > just kills our performance since we need to wait indefinite long for
> > task
> > > > migration.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > The scale down is also tricky such that we are not able to define a
> > > "true"
> > > > leave of a member. Rebalance immediately after "true" leaves are most
> > > > optimal comparing with human intervention. Does this make sense?
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > My intuition is that cooperative approach which was implemented on
> the
> > > > client side could better handle scaling cases than KIP 345, since it
> > > > involves a lot of algorithmic changes to define "replaying" stage,
> > which
> > > I
> > > > feel would over-complicate broker logic if implemented on
> coordinator.
> > If
> > > > we let 345 focus on reducing unnecessary rebalance, and let
> cooperative
> > > > approach focus on judging best timing of scale up/down, the two
> efforts
> > > > could be aligned. In long term, I feel the more complex improvement
> of
> > > > consumer protocol should happen on client side instead of server side
> > > which
> > > > is easier to test and has less global impact for the entire Kafka
> > > > production cluster.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Thanks again to Konstantine, Matthias and other folks in coming up
> with
> > > > this great client proposal. This is great complementation to KIP 345.
> > In
> > > a
> > > > high level, we are not having any collision on the path and both
> > > proposals
> > > > are making sense here. Just need better sync to avoid duplicate
> effort
> > :)
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Best,
> > > >
> > > > Boyang
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > ________________________________
> > > > From: Boyang Chen <bche...@outlook.com>
> > > > Sent: Wednesday, November 7, 2018 1:57 PM
> > > > To: dev@kafka.apache.org
> > > > Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] KIP-345: Reduce multiple consumer rebalances
> by
> > > > specifying member id
> > > >
> > > > Thanks Matthias for bringing this awesome proposal up! I shall take a
> > > > deeper look and make a comparison between the two proposals.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Meanwhile for the scale down specifically for stateful streaming, we
> > > could
> > > > actually introduce a new status called "learner" where the newly up
> > hosts
> > > > could try to catch up with the assigned task progress first before
> > > > triggering the rebalance, from which we don't see a sudden dip on the
> > > > progress. However, it is built on top of the success of KIP-345.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > ________________________________
> > > > From: Matthias J. Sax <matth...@confluent.io>
> > > > Sent: Wednesday, November 7, 2018 7:02 AM
> > > > To: dev@kafka.apache.org
> > > > Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] KIP-345: Reduce multiple consumer rebalances
> by
> > > > specifying member id
> > > >
> > > > Hey,
> > > >
> > > > there was quite a pause on this KIP discussion and in the mean time,
> a
> > > > new design for incremental cooporative rebalance was suggested:
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/Incrementa
> > l+Cooperative+Rebalancing%3A+Support+and+Policies
> > Incremental Cooperative Rebalancing: Support and Policies ...<
> > https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/Increm
> > ental+Cooperative+Rebalancing%3A+Support+and+Policies>
> > cwiki.apache.org
> > Rebalancing between distributed application processes in Apache Kafka was
> > enhanced considerably when it was decoupled as logic from Kafka brokers
> and
> > was moved as responsibility to the clients and specifically to Kafka
> > Consumer. This pattern has been working robustly for quite a while now
> and
> > has ...
> >
> >
> >
> > > Incremental Cooperative Rebalancing: Support and Policies ...<
> > > https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/Incrementa
> > l+Cooperative+Rebalancing%3A+Support+and+Policies
> > > >
> > > cwiki.apache.org
> > > Rebalancing between distributed application processes in Apache Kafka
> was
> > > enhanced considerably when it was decoupled as logic from Kafka brokers
> > and
> > > was moved as responsibility to the clients and specifically to Kafka
> > > Consumer. This pattern has been working robustly for quite a while now
> > and
> > > has ...
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > We should make sure that the proposal and this KIP align to each
> other.
> > > > Thoughts?
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > -Matthias
> > > >
> > > > On 11/5/18 7:31 PM, Boyang Chen wrote:
> > > > > Hey Mike,
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > thanks for the feedback, the two question are very thoughtful!
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >> 1) I am a little confused about the distinction for the leader. If
> > the
> > > > consumer node that was assigned leader does a bounce (goes down and
> > > quickly
> > > > comes up) to update application code, will a rebalance be triggered?
> I
> > >
> > > do
> > > > not think a bounce of the leader should trigger a rebalance.
> > > > >
> > > > > For Q1 my intention was to minimize the change within one KIP,
> since
> > > the
> > > > leader rejoining case could be addressed separately.
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >> 2) The timeout for shrink up makes a lot of sense and allows to
> > > > gracefully increase the number of nodes in the cluster. I think we
> need
> > > to
> > > > support graceful shrink down as well. If I set the registration
> timeout
> > > to
> > > > 5 minutes > to handle rolling restarts or intermittent failures
> without
> > > > shuffling state, I don't want to wait 5 minutes in order for the
> group
> > to
> > > > rebalance if I am intentionally removing a node from the cluster. I
> am
> > > not
> > > > sure the best way to > do this. One idea I had was adding the ability
> > > for a
> > > > CLI or Admin API to force a rebalance of the group. This would allow
> > for
> > > an
> > > > admin to trigger the rebalance manually without waiting the entire
> > > > registration timeout on > shrink down. What do you think?
> > > > >
> > > > > For 2) my understanding is that for scaling down case it is better
> to
> > > be
> > > > addressed by CLI tool than code logic, since only by human evaluation
> > we
> > > > could decide whether it is a "right timing" -- the time when all the
> > > > scaling down consumers are offline -- to kick in rebalance. Unless we
> > > > introduce another term on coordinator which indicates the target
> > consumer
> > > > group size, broker will find it hard to decide when to start
> rebalance.
> > > So
> > > > far I prefer to hold the implementation for that, but agree we could
> > > > discuss whether we want to introduce admin API in this KIP or a
> > separate
> > > > one.
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > Thanks again for the proposed ideas!
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > Boyang
> > > > >
> > > > > ________________________________
> > > > > From: Mike Freyberger <mike.freyber...@xandr.com>
> > > > > Sent: Monday, November 5, 2018 6:13 AM
> > > > > To: dev@kafka.apache.org
> > > > > Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] KIP-345: Reduce multiple consumer rebalances
> > by
> > > > specifying member id
> > > > >
> > > > > Boyang,
> > > > >
> > > > > Thanks for updating the KIP. It's shaping up well. Two things:
> > > > >
> > > > > 1) I am a little confused about the distinction for the leader. If
> > the
> > > > consumer node that was assigned leader does a bounce (goes down and
> > > quickly
> > > > comes up) to update application code, will a rebalance be triggered?
> I
> > do
> > > > not think a bounce of the leader should trigger a rebalance.
> > > > >
> > > > > 2) The timeout for shrink up makes a lot of sense and allows to
> > > > gracefully increase the number of nodes in the cluster. I think we
> need
> > > to
> > > > support graceful shrink down as well. If I set the registration
> timeout
> > > to
> > > > 5 minutes to handle rolling restarts or intermittent failures without
> > > > shuffling state, I don't want to wait 5 minutes in order for the
> group
> > to
> > > > rebalance if I am intentionally removing a node from the cluster. I
> am
> > > not
> > > > sure the best way to do this. One idea I had was adding the ability
> > for a
> > > > CLI or Admin API to force a rebalance of the group. This would allow
> > for
> > > an
> > > > admin to trigger the rebalance manually without waiting the entire
> > > > registration timeout on shrink down. What do you think?
> > > > >
> > > > > Mike
> > > > >
> > > > > ?On 10/30/18, 1:55 AM, "Boyang Chen" <bche...@outlook.com> wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > >     Btw, I updated KIP 345 based on my understanding. Feel free to
> > take
> > > > another round of look:
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > >
> > > https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-345%3A
> > +Introduce+static+membership+protocol+to+reduce+consumer+rebalances
> > > > > KIP-345: Introduce static membership protocol to reduce ...<
> > > >
> > > https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-345%3A
> > +Introduce+static+membership+protocol+to+reduce+consumer+rebalances
> > > > >
> > > > > cwiki.apache.org
> > > > > For stateful applications, one of the biggest performance
> bottleneck
> > is
> > > > the state shuffling. In Kafka consumer, there is a concept called
> > > > "rebalance" which means that for given M partitions and N consumers
> in
> > > one
> > > > consumer group, Kafka will try to balance the load between consumers
> > and
> > > > ideally have ...
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >     KIP-345: Introduce static membership protocol to reduce ...<
> > > >
> > > https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-345%3A
> > +Introduce+static+membership+protocol+to+reduce+consumer+rebalances
> > > > >
> > > > >     cwiki.apache.org
> > > > >     For stateful applications, one of the biggest performance
> > > bottleneck
> > > > is the state shuffling. In Kafka consumer, there is a concept called
> > > > "rebalance" which means that for given M partitions and N consumers
> in
> > > one
> > > > consumer group, Kafka will try to balance the load between consumers
> > and
> > > > ideally have ...
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >     ________________________________
> > > > >     From: Boyang Chen <bche...@outlook.com>
> > > > >     Sent: Monday, October 29, 2018 12:34 PM
> > > > >     To: dev@kafka.apache.org
> > > > >     Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] KIP-345: Reduce multiple consumer
> > rebalances
> > > > by specifying member id
> > > > >
> > > > >     Thanks everyone for the input on this thread! (Sorry it's been
> a
> > > > while) I feel that we are very close to the final solution.
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >     Hey Jason and Mike, I have two quick questions on the new
> > features
> > > > here:
> > > > >
> > > > >       1.  so our proposal is that until we add a new static member
> > into
> > > > the group (scale up), we will not trigger rebalance until the
> > > "registration
> > > > timeout"( the member has been offline for too long)? How about
> leader's
> > > > rejoin request, I think we should still trigger rebalance when that
> > > > happens, since the consumer group may have new topics to consume?
> > > > >       2.  I'm not very clear on the scale up scenario in static
> > > > membership here. Should we fallback to dynamic membership while
> > > > adding/removing hosts (by setting member.name = null), or we still
> > want
> > > > to add instances with `member.name` so that we eventually
> > expand/shrink
> > > > the static membership? I personally feel the easier solution is to
> spin
> > > up
> > > > new members and wait until either the same "registration timeout" or
> a
> > > > "scale up timeout" before starting the rebalance. What do you think?
> > > > >
> > > > >     Meanwhile I will go ahead to make changes to the KIP with our
> > newly
> > > > discussed items and details. Really excited to see the design has
> > become
> > > > more solid.
> > > > >
> > > > >     Best,
> > > > >     Boyang
> > > > >
> > > > >     ________________________________
> > > > >     From: Jason Gustafson <ja...@confluent.io>
> > > > >     Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2018 6:04 AM
> > > > >     To: dev
> > > > >     Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] KIP-345: Reduce multiple consumer
> > rebalances
> > > > by specifying member id
> > > > >
> > > > >     Hey Mike,
> > > > >
> > > > >     Yeah, that's a good point. A long "registration timeout" may
> not
> > be
> > > > a great
> > > > >     idea. Perhaps in practice you'd set it long enough to be able
> to
> > > > detect a
> > > > >     failure and provision a new instance. Maybe on the order of 10
> > > > minutes is
> > > > >     more reasonable.
> > > > >
> > > > >     In any case, it's probably a good idea to have an
> administrative
> > > way
> > > > to
> > > > >     force deregistration. One option is to extend the DeleteGroups
> > API
> > > > with a
> > > > >     list of members names.
> > > > >
> > > > >     -Jason
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >     On Fri, Aug 24, 2018 at 2:21 PM, Mike Freyberger <
> > > > mfreyber...@appnexus.com>
> > > > >     wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > >     > Jason,
> > > > >     >
> > > > >     > Regarding step 4 in your proposal which suggests beginning a
> > long
> > > > timer
> > > > >     > (30 minutes) when a static member leaves the group, would
> there
> > > > also be the
> > > > >     > ability for an admin to force a static membership expiration?
> > > > >     >
> > > > >     > I'm thinking that during particular types of outages or
> > upgrades
> > > > users
> > > > >     > would want forcefully remove a static member from the group.
> > > > >     >
> > > > >     > So the user would shut the consumer down normally, which
> > wouldn't
> > > > trigger
> > > > >     > a rebalance. Then the user could use an admin CLI tool to
> force
> > > > remove that
> > > > >     > consumer from the group, so the TopicPartitions that were
> > > > previously owned
> > > > >     > by that consumer can be released.
> > > > >     >
> > > > >     > At a high level, we need consumer groups to gracefully handle
> > > > intermittent
> > > > >     > failures and permanent failures. Currently, the consumer
> group
> > > > protocol
> > > > >     > handles permanent failures well, but does not handle
> > intermittent
> > > > failures
> > > > >     > well (it creates unnecessary rebalances). I want to make sure
> > the
> > > > overall
> > > > >     > solution here handles both intermittent failures and
> permanent
> > > > failures,
> > > > >     > rather than sacrificing support for permanent failures in
> order
> > > to
> > > > provide
> > > > >     > support for intermittent failures.
> > > > >     >
> > > > >     > Mike
> > > > >     >
> > > > >     > Sent from my iPhone
> > > > >     >
> > > > >     > > On Aug 24, 2018, at 3:03 PM, Jason Gustafson <
> > > ja...@confluent.io>
> > > > wrote:
> > > > >     > >
> > > > >     > > Hey Guozhang,
> > > > >     > >
> > > > >     > > Responses below:
> > > > >     > >
> > > > >     > > Originally I was trying to kill more birds with one stone
> > with
> > > > KIP-345,
> > > > >     > >> e.g. to fix the multi-rebalance issue on starting up /
> > > shutting
> > > > down a
> > > > >     > >> multi-instance client (mentioned as case 1)/2) in my early
> > > > email), and
> > > > >     > >> hence proposing to have a pure static-membership protocol.
> > But
> > > > thinking
> > > > >     > >> twice about it I now feel it may be too ambitious and
> worth
> > > > fixing in
> > > > >     > >> another KIP.
> > > > >     > >
> > > > >     > >
> > > > >     > > I was considering an extension to support
> pre-initialization
> > of
> > > > the
> > > > >     > static
> > > > >     > > members of the group, but I agree we should probably leave
> > this
> > > > problem
> > > > >     > for
> > > > >     > > future work.
> > > > >     > >
> > > > >     > > 1. How this longish static member expiration timeout
> defined?
> > > Is
> > > > it via a
> > > > >     > >> broker, hence global config, or via a client config which
> > can
> > > be
> > > > >     > >> communicated to broker via JoinGroupRequest?
> > > > >     > >
> > > > >     > >
> > > > >     > > I am not too sure. I tend to lean toward server-side
> configs
> > > > because they
> > > > >     > > are easier to evolve. If we have to add something to the
> > > > protocol, then
> > > > >     > > we'll be stuck with it forever.
> > > > >     > >
> > > > >     > > 2. Assuming that for static members, LEAVE_GROUP request
> will
> > > not
> > > > >     > trigger a
> > > > >     > >> rebalance immediately either, similar to session timeout,
> > but
> > > > only the
> > > > >     > >> longer member expiration timeout, can we remove the
> > internal "
> > > > >     > >> internal.leave.group.on.close" config, which is a quick
> > > > walk-around
> > > > >     > then?
> > > > >     > >
> > > > >     > >
> > > > >     > > Yeah, I hope we can ultimately get rid of it, but we may
> need
> > > it
> > > > for
> > > > >     > > compatibility with older brokers. A related question is
> what
> > > > should be
> > > > >     > the
> > > > >     > > behavior of the consumer if `member.name` is provided but
> > the
> > > > broker
> > > > >     > does
> > > > >     > > not support it? We could either fail or silently downgrade
> to
> > > > dynamic
> > > > >     > > membership.
> > > > >     > >
> > > > >     > > -Jason
> > > > >     > >
> > > > >     > >
> > > > >     > >> On Fri, Aug 24, 2018 at 11:44 AM, Guozhang Wang <
> > > > wangg...@gmail.com>
> > > > >     > wrote:
> > > > >     > >>
> > > > >     > >> Hey Jason,
> > > > >     > >>
> > > > >     > >> I like your idea to simplify the upgrade protocol to allow
> > > > co-exist of
> > > > >     > >> static and dynamic members. Admittedly it may make the
> > > > coordinator-side
> > > > >     > >> logic a bit more complex, but I think it worth doing it.
> > > > >     > >>
> > > > >     > >> Originally I was trying to kill more birds with one stone
> > with
> > > > KIP-345,
> > > > >     > >> e.g. to fix the multi-rebalance issue on starting up /
> > > shutting
> > > > down a
> > > > >     > >> multi-instance client (mentioned as case 1)/2) in my early
> > > > email), and
> > > > >     > >> hence proposing to have a pure static-membership protocol.
> > But
> > > > thinking
> > > > >     > >> twice about it I now feel it may be too ambitious and
> worth
> > > > fixing in
> > > > >     > >> another KIP. With that, I think what you've proposed here
> > is a
> > > > good way
> > > > >     > to
> > > > >     > >> go for KIP-345 itself.
> > > > >     > >>
> > > > >     > >> Note there are a few details in your proposal we'd still
> > need
> > > > to figure
> > > > >     > >> out:
> > > > >     > >>
> > > > >     > >> 1. How this longish static member expiration timeout
> > defined?
> > > > Is it via
> > > > >     > a
> > > > >     > >> broker, hence global config, or via a client config which
> > can
> > > be
> > > > >     > >> communicated to broker via JoinGroupRequest?
> > > > >     > >>
> > > > >     > >> 2. Assuming that for static members, LEAVE_GROUP request
> > will
> > > > not
> > > > >     > trigger a
> > > > >     > >> rebalance immediately either, similar to session timeout,
> > but
> > > > only the
> > > > >     > >> longer member expiration timeout, can we remove the
> > internal "
> > > > >     > >> internal.leave.group.on.close" config, which is a quick
> > > > walk-around
> > > > >     > then?
> > > > >     > >>
> > > > >     > >>
> > > > >     > >>
> > > > >     > >> Guozhang
> > > > >     > >>
> > > > >     > >>
> > > > >     > >> On Fri, Aug 24, 2018 at 11:14 AM, Jason Gustafson <
> > > > ja...@confluent.io>
> > > > >     > >> wrote:
> > > > >     > >>
> > > > >     > >>> Hey All,
> > > > >     > >>>
> > > > >     > >>> Nice to see some solid progress on this. It sounds like
> one
> > > of
> > > > the
> > > > >     > >>> complications is allowing static and dynamic registration
> > to
> > > > coexist.
> > > > >     > I'm
> > > > >     > >>> wondering if we can do something like the following:
> > > > >     > >>>
> > > > >     > >>> 1. Statically registered members (those joining the group
> > > with
> > > > a
> > > > >     > >> non-null `
> > > > >     > >>> member.name`) maintain a session with the coordinator
> just
> > > > like
> > > > >     > dynamic
> > > > >     > >>> members.
> > > > >     > >>> 2. If a session is active for a static member when a
> > > rebalance
> > > > begins,
> > > > >     > >> then
> > > > >     > >>> basically we'll keep the current behavior. The rebalance
> > will
> > > > await the
> > > > >     > >>> static member joining the group.
> > > > >     > >>> 3. If a static member does not have an active session,
> then
> > > the
> > > > >     > >> coordinator
> > > > >     > >>> will not wait for it to join, but will still include it
> in
> > > the
> > > > >     > rebalance.
> > > > >     > >>> The coordinator will forward the cached subscription
> > > > information to the
> > > > >     > >>> leader and will cache the assignment after the rebalance
> > > > completes.
> > > > >     > (Note
> > > > >     > >>> that we still have the generationId to fence offset
> commits
> > > > from a
> > > > >     > static
> > > > >     > >>> zombie if the assignment changes.)
> > > > >     > >>> 4. When a static member leaves the group or has its
> session
> > > > expire, no
> > > > >     > >>> rebalance is triggered. Instead, we can begin a timer to
> > > > expire the
> > > > >     > >> static
> > > > >     > >>> registration. This would be a longish timeout (like 30
> > > minutes
> > > > say).
> > > > >     > >>>
> > > > >     > >>> So basically static members participate in all rebalances
> > > > regardless
> > > > >     > >>> whether they have an active session. In a given
> rebalance,
> > > > some of the
> > > > >     > >>> members may be static and some dynamic. The group leader
> > can
> > > > >     > >> differentiate
> > > > >     > >>> the two based on the presence of the `member.name` (we
> > have
> > > > to add
> > > > >     > this
> > > > >     > >> to
> > > > >     > >>> the JoinGroupResponse). Generally speaking, we would
> choose
> > > > leaders
> > > > >     > >>> preferentially from the active members that support the
> > > latest
> > > > >     > JoinGroup
> > > > >     > >>> protocol and are using static membership. If we have to
> > > choose
> > > > a leader
> > > > >     > >>> with an old version, however, it would see all members in
> > the
> > > > group
> > > > >     > >> (static
> > > > >     > >>> or dynamic) as dynamic members and perform the assignment
> > as
> > > > usual.
> > > > >     > >>>
> > > > >     > >>> Would that work?
> > > > >     > >>>
> > > > >     > >>> -Jason
> > > > >     > >>>
> > > > >     > >>>
> > > > >     > >>> On Thu, Aug 23, 2018 at 5:26 PM, Guozhang Wang <
> > > > wangg...@gmail.com>
> > > > >     > >> wrote:
> > > > >     > >>>
> > > > >     > >>>> Hello Boyang,
> > > > >     > >>>>
> > > > >     > >>>> Thanks for the updated proposal, a few questions:
> > > > >     > >>>>
> > > > >     > >>>> 1. Where will "change-group-timeout" be communicated to
> > the
> > > > broker?
> > > > >     > >> Will
> > > > >     > >>>> that be a new field in the JoinGroupRequest, or are we
> > going
> > > > to
> > > > >     > >>> piggy-back
> > > > >     > >>>> on the existing session-timeout field (assuming that the
> > > > original
> > > > >     > value
> > > > >     > >>>> will not be used anywhere in the static membership any
> > > more)?
> > > > >     > >>>>
> > > > >     > >>>> 2. "However, if the consumer takes longer than session
> > > > timeout to
> > > > >     > >> return,
> > > > >     > >>>> we shall still trigger rebalance but it could still try
> to
> > > > catch
> > > > >     > >>>> `change-group-timeout`.": what does this mean? I thought
> > > your
> > > > proposal
> > > > >     > >> is
> > > > >     > >>>> that for static memberships, the broker will NOT trigger
> > > > rebalance
> > > > >     > even
> > > > >     > >>>> after session-timeout has been detected, but only that
> > after
> > > > >     > >>>> change-group-timeout
> > > > >     > >>>> which is supposed to be longer than session-timeout to
> be
> > > > defined?
> > > > >     > >>>>
> > > > >     > >>>> 3. "A join group request with member.name set will be
> > > > treated as
> > > > >     > >>>> `static-membership` strategy", in this case, how would
> the
> > > > switch from
> > > > >     > >>>> dynamic to static happen, since whoever changed the
> > > > member.name to
> > > > >     > >>>> not-null
> > > > >     > >>>> will be rejected, right?
> > > > >     > >>>>
> > > > >     > >>>> 4. "just erase the cached mapping, and wait for session
> > > > timeout to
> > > > >     > >>> trigger
> > > > >     > >>>> rebalance should be sufficient." this is also a bit
> > unclear
> > > > to me: who
> > > > >     > >>> will
> > > > >     > >>>> erase the cached mapping? Since it is on the
> broker-side I
> > > > assume that
> > > > >     > >>>> broker has to do it. Are you suggesting to use a new
> > request
> > > > for it?
> > > > >     > >>>>
> > > > >     > >>>> 5. "Halfway switch": following 3) above, if your
> proposal
> > is
> > > > basically
> > > > >     > >> to
> > > > >     > >>>> let "first join-request wins", and the strategy will
> stay
> > as
> > > > is until
> > > > >     > >> all
> > > > >     > >>>> members are gone, then this will also not happen since
> > > > whoever used
> > > > >     > >>>> different strategy as the first guy who sends join-group
> > > > request will
> > > > >     > >> be
> > > > >     > >>>> rejected right?
> > > > >     > >>>>
> > > > >     > >>>>
> > > > >     > >>>> Guozhang
> > > > >     > >>>>
> > > > >     > >>>>
> > > > >     > >>>> On Tue, Aug 21, 2018 at 9:28 AM, John Roesler <
> > > > j...@confluent.io>
> > > > >     > >> wrote:
> > > > >     > >>>>
> > > > >     > >>>>> This sounds good to me!
> > > > >     > >>>>>
> > > > >     > >>>>> Thanks for the time you've spent on it,
> > > > >     > >>>>> -John
> > > > >     > >>>>>
> > > > >     > >>>>> On Tue, Aug 21, 2018 at 12:13 AM Boyang Chen <
> > > > bche...@outlook.com>
> > > > >     > >>>> wrote:
> > > > >     > >>>>>
> > > > >     > >>>>>> Thanks Matthias for the input. Sorry I was busy
> recently
> > > and
> > > > >     > >> haven't
> > > > >     > >>>> got
> > > > >     > >>>>>> time to update this thread. To summarize what we come
> up
> > > so
> > > > far,
> > > > >     > >> here
> > > > >     > >>>> is
> > > > >     > >>>>> a
> > > > >     > >>>>>> draft updated plan:
> > > > >     > >>>>>>
> > > > >     > >>>>>>
> > > > >     > >>>>>> Introduce a new config called `member.name` which is
> > > > supposed to
> > > > >     > >> be
> > > > >     > >>>>>> provided uniquely by the consumer client. The broker
> > will
> > > > maintain
> > > > >     > >> a
> > > > >     > >>>>> cache
> > > > >     > >>>>>> with [key:member.name, value:member.id]. A join group
> > > > request with
> > > > >     > >>>>>> member.name set will be treated as
> `static-membership`
> > > > strategy,
> > > > >     > >> and
> > > > >     > >>>>> will
> > > > >     > >>>>>> reject any join group request without member.name. So
> > > this
> > > > >     > >>>> coordination
> > > > >     > >>>>>> change will be differentiated from the
> > > `dynamic-membership`
> > > > >     > >> protocol
> > > > >     > >>> we
> > > > >     > >>>>>> currently have.
> > > > >     > >>>>>>
> > > > >     > >>>>>>
> > > > >     > >>>>>> When handling static join group request:
> > > > >     > >>>>>>
> > > > >     > >>>>>>  1.   The broker will check the membership to see
> > whether
> > > > this is
> > > > >     > >> a
> > > > >     > >>>> new
> > > > >     > >>>>>> member. If new, broker allocate a unique member id,
> > cache
> > > > the
> > > > >     > >> mapping
> > > > >     > >>>> and
> > > > >     > >>>>>> move to rebalance stage.
> > > > >     > >>>>>>  2.   Following 1, if this is an existing member,
> broker
> > > > will not
> > > > >     > >>>> change
> > > > >     > >>>>>> group state, and return its cached member.id and
> > current
> > > > >     > >> assignment.
> > > > >     > >>>>>> (unless this is leader, we shall trigger rebalance)
> > > > >     > >>>>>>  3.   Although Guozhang has mentioned we could rejoin
> > with
> > > > pair
> > > > >     > >>> member
> > > > >     > >>>>>> name and id, I think for join group request it is ok
> to
> > > > leave
> > > > >     > >> member
> > > > >     > >>> id
> > > > >     > >>>>>> blank as member name is the unique identifier. In
> commit
> > > > offset
> > > > >     > >>> request
> > > > >     > >>>>> we
> > > > >     > >>>>>> *must* have both.
> > > > >     > >>>>>>
> > > > >     > >>>>>>
> > > > >     > >>>>>> When handling commit offset request, if enabled with
> > > static
> > > > >     > >>> membership,
> > > > >     > >>>>>> each time the commit request must have both
> member.name
> > > and
> > > > >     > >>> member.id
> > > > >     > >>>> to
> > > > >     > >>>>>> be identified as a `certificated member`. If not, this
> > > > means there
> > > > >     > >>> are
> > > > >     > >>>>>> duplicate consumer members with same member name and
> the
> > > > request
> > > > >     > >> will
> > > > >     > >>>> be
> > > > >     > >>>>>> rejected to guarantee consumption uniqueness.
> > > > >     > >>>>>>
> > > > >     > >>>>>>
> > > > >     > >>>>>> When rolling restart/shutting down gracefully, the
> > client
> > > > will
> > > > >     > >> send a
> > > > >     > >>>>>> leave group request (static membership mode). In
> static
> > > > membership,
> > > > >     > >>> we
> > > > >     > >>>>> will
> > > > >     > >>>>>> also define `change-group-timeout` to hold on
> rebalance
> > > > provided by
> > > > >     > >>>>> leader.
> > > > >     > >>>>>> So we will wait for all the members to rejoin the
> group
> > > and
> > > > do
> > > > >     > >>> exactly
> > > > >     > >>>>> one
> > > > >     > >>>>>> rebalance since all members are expected to rejoin
> > within
> > > > timeout.
> > > > >     > >> If
> > > > >     > >>>>>> consumer crashes, the join group request from the
> > > restarted
> > > > >     > >> consumer
> > > > >     > >>>> will
> > > > >     > >>>>>> be recognized as an existing member and be handled as
> > > above
> > > > >     > >> condition
> > > > >     > >>>> 1;
> > > > >     > >>>>>> However, if the consumer takes longer than session
> > timeout
> > > > to
> > > > >     > >> return,
> > > > >     > >>>> we
> > > > >     > >>>>>> shall still trigger rebalance but it could still try
> to
> > > > catch
> > > > >     > >>>>>> `change-group-timeout`. If it failed to catch second
> > > > timeout, its
> > > > >     > >>>> cached
> > > > >     > >>>>>> state on broker will be garbage collected and trigger
> a
> > > new
> > > > >     > >> rebalance
> > > > >     > >>>>> when
> > > > >     > >>>>>> it finally joins.
> > > > >     > >>>>>>
> > > > >     > >>>>>>
> > > > >     > >>>>>> And consider the switch between dynamic to static
> > > > membership.
> > > > >     > >>>>>>
> > > > >     > >>>>>>  1.  Dynamic to static: the first joiner shall revise
> > the
> > > > >     > >> membership
> > > > >     > >>>> to
> > > > >     > >>>>>> static and wait for all the current members to
> restart,
> > > > since their
> > > > >     > >>>>>> membership is still dynamic. Here our assumption is
> that
> > > the
> > > > >     > >> restart
> > > > >     > >>>>>> process shouldn't take a long time, as long restart is
> > > > breaking the
> > > > >     > >>>>>> `rebalance timeout` in whatever membership protocol we
> > are
> > > > using.
> > > > >     > >>>> Before
> > > > >     > >>>>>> restart, all dynamic member join requests will be
> > > rejected.
> > > > >     > >>>>>>  2.  Static to dynamic: this is more like a downgrade
> > > which
> > > > should
> > > > >     > >>> be
> > > > >     > >>>>>> smooth: just erase the cached mapping, and wait for
> > > session
> > > > timeout
> > > > >     > >>> to
> > > > >     > >>>>>> trigger rebalance should be sufficient. (Fallback to
> > > current
> > > > >     > >>> behavior)
> > > > >     > >>>>>>  3.  Halfway switch: a corner case is like some
> clients
> > > keep
> > > > >     > >> dynamic
> > > > >     > >>>>>> membership while some keep static membership. This
> will
> > > > cause the
> > > > >     > >>> group
> > > > >     > >>>>>> rebalance forever without progress because
> > dynamic/static
> > > > states
> > > > >     > >> are
> > > > >     > >>>>>> bouncing each other. This could guarantee that we will
> > not
> > > > make the
> > > > >     > >>>>>> consumer group work in a wrong state by having half
> > static
> > > > and half
> > > > >     > >>>>> dynamic.
> > > > >     > >>>>>>
> > > > >     > >>>>>> To guarantee correctness, we will also push the member
> > > > name/id pair
> > > > >     > >>> to
> > > > >     > >>>>>> _consumed_offsets topic (as Matthias pointed out) and
> > > > upgrade the
> > > > >     > >> API
> > > > >     > >>>>>> version, these details will be further discussed back
> in
> > > > the KIP.
> > > > >     > >>>>>>
> > > > >     > >>>>>>
> > > > >     > >>>>>> Are there any concern for this high level proposal?
> Just
> > > > want to
> > > > >     > >>>>> reiterate
> > > > >     > >>>>>> on the core idea of the KIP: "If the broker recognize
> > this
> > > > consumer
> > > > >     > >>> as
> > > > >     > >>>> an
> > > > >     > >>>>>> existing member, it shouldn't trigger rebalance".
> > > > >     > >>>>>>
> > > > >     > >>>>>> Thanks a lot for everyone's input! I feel this
> proposal
> > is
> > > > much
> > > > >     > >> more
> > > > >     > >>>>>> robust than previous one!
> > > > >     > >>>>>>
> > > > >     > >>>>>>
> > > > >     > >>>>>> Best,
> > > > >     > >>>>>>
> > > > >     > >>>>>> Boyang
> > > > >     > >>>>>>
> > > > >     > >>>>>> ________________________________
> > > > >     > >>>>>> From: Matthias J. Sax <matth...@confluent.io>
> > > > >     > >>>>>> Sent: Friday, August 10, 2018 2:24 AM
> > > > >     > >>>>>> To: dev@kafka.apache.org
> > > > >     > >>>>>> Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] KIP-345: Reduce multiple
> consumer
> > > > rebalances
> > > > >     > >>> by
> > > > >     > >>>>>> specifying member id
> > > > >     > >>>>>>
> > > > >     > >>>>>> Hi,
> > > > >     > >>>>>>
> > > > >     > >>>>>> thanks for the detailed discussion. I learned a lot
> > about
> > > > internals
> > > > >     > >>>> again
> > > > >     > >>>>>> :)
> > > > >     > >>>>>>
> > > > >     > >>>>>> I like the idea or a user config `member.name` and to
> > > keep
> > > > `
> > > > >     > >>> member.id`
> > > > >     > >>>>>> internal. Also agree with Guozhang, that reusing `
> > > client.id`
> > > > might
> > > > >     > >>> not
> > > > >     > >>>>>> be a good idea.
> > > > >     > >>>>>>
> > > > >     > >>>>>> To clarify the algorithm, each time we generate a new
> `
> > > > member.id`,
> > > > >     > >>> we
> > > > >     > >>>>>> also need to update the "group membership" information
> > > (ie,
> > > > mapping
> > > > >     > >>>>>> [member.id, Assignment]), right? Ie, the new `
> member.id
> > `
> > > > replaces
> > > > >     > >>> the
> > > > >     > >>>>>> old entry in the cache.
> > > > >     > >>>>>>
> > > > >     > >>>>>> I also think, we need to preserve the `member.name ->
> > > > member.id`
> > > > >     > >>>> mapping
> > > > >     > >>>>>> in the `__consumer_offset` topic. The KIP should
> mention
> > > > this IMHO.
> > > > >     > >>>>>>
> > > > >     > >>>>>> For changing the default value of config
> > > > `leave.group.on.close`. I
> > > > >     > >>>> agree
> > > > >     > >>>>>> with John, that we should not change the default
> config,
> > > > because it
> > > > >     > >>>>>> would impact all consumer groups with dynamic
> > assignment.
> > > > However,
> > > > >     > >> I
> > > > >     > >>>>>> think we can document, that if static assignment is
> used
> > > > (ie,
> > > > >     > >>>>>> `member.name` is configured) we never send a
> > > > LeaveGroupRequest
> > > > >     > >>>>>> regardless of the config. Note, that the config is
> > > > internal, so not
> > > > >     > >>>> sure
> > > > >     > >>>>>> how to document this in detail. We should not expose
> the
> > > > internal
> > > > >     > >>>> config
> > > > >     > >>>>>> in the docs.
> > > > >     > >>>>>>
> > > > >     > >>>>>> About upgrading: why do we need have two rolling
> bounces
> > > > and encode
> > > > >     > >>>>>> "static" vs "dynamic" in the JoinGroupRequest?
> > > > >     > >>>>>>
> > > > >     > >>>>>> If we upgrade an existing consumer group from dynamic
> to
> > > > static, I
> > > > >     > >>>> don't
> > > > >     > >>>>>> see any reason why both should not work together and
> > > single
> > > > rolling
> > > > >     > >>>>>> bounce would not be sufficient? If we bounce the first
> > > > consumer and
> > > > >     > >>>>>> switch from dynamic to static, it sends a `
> member.name`
> > > > and the
> > > > >     > >>> broker
> > > > >     > >>>>>> registers the [member.name, member.id] in the cache.
> > Why
> > > > would
> > > > >     > >> this
> > > > >     > >>>>>> interfere with all other consumer that use dynamic
> > > > assignment?
> > > > >     > >>>>>>
> > > > >     > >>>>>> Also, Guozhang mentioned that for all other request,
> we
> > > > need to
> > > > >     > >> check
> > > > >     > >>>> if
> > > > >     > >>>>>> the mapping [member.name, member.id] contains the
> send
> > `
> > > > member.id`
> > > > >     > >>> --
> > > > >     > >>>> I
> > > > >     > >>>>>> don't think this is necessary -- it seems to be
> > sufficient
> > > > to check
> > > > >     > >>> the
> > > > >     > >>>>>> `member.id` from the [member.id, Assignment] mapping
> as
> > > be
> > > > do
> > > > >     > >> today
> > > > >     > >>> --
> > > > >     > >>>>>> thus, checking `member.id` does not require any
> change
> > > > IMHO.
> > > > >     > >>>>>>
> > > > >     > >>>>>>
> > > > >     > >>>>>> -Matthias
> > > > >     > >>>>>>
> > > > >     > >>>>>>
> > > > >     > >>>>>>> On 8/7/18 7:13 PM, Guozhang Wang wrote:
> > > > >     > >>>>>>> @James
> > > > >     > >>>>>>>
> > > > >     > >>>>>>> What you described is true: the transition from
> dynamic
> > > to
> > > > static
> > > > >     > >>>>>>> memberships are not thought through yet. But I do not
> > > > think it is
> > > > >     > >>> an
> > > > >     > >>>>>>> impossible problem: note that we indeed moved the
> > offset
> > > > commit
> > > > >     > >>> from
> > > > >     > >>>> ZK
> > > > >     > >>>>>> to
> > > > >     > >>>>>>> kafka coordinator in 0.8.2 :) The migration plan is
> to
> > > > first to
> > > > >     > >>>>>>> double-commits on both zk and coordinator, and then
> do
> > a
> > > > second
> > > > >     > >>> round
> > > > >     > >>>>> to
> > > > >     > >>>>>>> turn the zk off.
> > > > >     > >>>>>>>
> > > > >     > >>>>>>> So just to throw a wild idea here: also following a
> > > > >     > >>>> two-rolling-bounce
> > > > >     > >>>>>>> manner, in the JoinGroupRequest we can set the flag
> to
> > > > "static"
> > > > >     > >>> while
> > > > >     > >>>>>> keep
> > > > >     > >>>>>>> the registry-id field empty still, in this case, the
> > > > coordinator
> > > > >     > >>>> still
> > > > >     > >>>>>>> follows the logic of "dynamic", accepting the request
> > > while
> > > > >     > >>> allowing
> > > > >     > >>>>> the
> > > > >     > >>>>>>> protocol to be set to "static"; after the first
> rolling
> > > > bounce,
> > > > >     > >> the
> > > > >     > >>>>> group
> > > > >     > >>>>>>> protocol is already "static", then a second rolling
> > > bounce
> > > > is
> > > > >     > >>>> triggered
> > > > >     > >>>>>> and
> > > > >     > >>>>>>> this time we set the registry-id.
> > > > >     > >>>>>>>
> > > > >     > >>>>>>>
> > > > >     > >>>>>>> Guozhang
> > > > >     > >>>>>>>
> > > > >     > >>>>>>> On Tue, Aug 7, 2018 at 1:19 AM, James Cheng <
> > > > >     > >> wushuja...@gmail.com>
> > > > >     > >>>>>> wrote:
> > > > >     > >>>>>>>
> > > > >     > >>>>>>>> Guozhang, in a previous message, you proposed said
> > this:
> > > > >     > >>>>>>>>
> > > > >     > >>>>>>>>> On Jul 30, 2018, at 3:56 PM, Guozhang Wang <
> > > > wangg...@gmail.com
> > > > >     > >>>
> > > > >     > >>>>> wrote:
> > > > >     > >>>>>>>>>
> > > > >     > >>>>>>>>> 1. We bump up the JoinGroupRequest with additional
> > > > fields:
> > > > >     > >>>>>>>>>
> > > > >     > >>>>>>>>> 1.a) a flag indicating "static" or "dynamic"
> > membership
> > > > >     > >>> protocols.
> > > > >     > >>>>>>>>> 1.b) with "static" membership, we also add the
> > > > pre-defined
> > > > >     > >>> member
> > > > >     > >>>>> id.
> > > > >     > >>>>>>>>> 1.c) with "static" membership, we also add an
> > optional
> > > > >     > >>>>>>>>> "group-change-timeout" value.
> > > > >     > >>>>>>>>>
> > > > >     > >>>>>>>>> 2. On the broker side, we enforce only one of the
> two
> > > > protocols
> > > > >     > >>> for
> > > > >     > >>>>> all
> > > > >     > >>>>>>>>> group members: we accept the protocol on the first
> > > joined
> > > > >     > >> member
> > > > >     > >>> of
> > > > >     > >>>>> the
> > > > >     > >>>>>>>>> group, and if later joining members indicate a
> > > different
> > > > >     > >>> membership
> > > > >     > >>>>>>>>> protocol, we reject it. If the group-change-timeout
> > > > value was
> > > > >     > >>>>> different
> > > > >     > >>>>>>>> to
> > > > >     > >>>>>>>>> the first joined member, we reject it as well.
> > > > >     > >>>>>>>>
> > > > >     > >>>>>>>>
> > > > >     > >>>>>>>> What will happen if we have an already-deployed
> > > > application that
> > > > >     > >>>> wants
> > > > >     > >>>>>> to
> > > > >     > >>>>>>>> switch to using static membership? Let's say there
> are
> > > 10
> > > > >     > >>> instances
> > > > >     > >>>> of
> > > > >     > >>>>>> it.
> > > > >     > >>>>>>>> As the instances go through a rolling restart, they
> > will
> > > > switch
> > > > >     > >>> from
> > > > >     > >>>>>>>> dynamic membership (the default?) to static
> > membership.
> > > > As each
> > > > >     > >>> one
> > > > >     > >>>>>> leaves
> > > > >     > >>>>>>>> the group and restarts, they will be rejected from
> the
> > > > group
> > > > >     > >>>> (because
> > > > >     > >>>>>> the
> > > > >     > >>>>>>>> group is currently using dynamic membership). The
> > group
> > > > will
> > > > >     > >>> shrink
> > > > >     > >>>>> down
> > > > >     > >>>>>>>> until there is 1 node handling all the traffic.
> After
> > > > that one
> > > > >     > >>>>> restarts,
> > > > >     > >>>>>>>> the group will switch over to static membership.
> > > > >     > >>>>>>>>
> > > > >     > >>>>>>>> Is that right? That means that the transition plan
> > from
> > > > dynamic
> > > > >     > >> to
> > > > >     > >>>>>> static
> > > > >     > >>>>>>>> membership isn't very smooth.
> > > > >     > >>>>>>>>
> > > > >     > >>>>>>>> I'm not really sure what can be done in this case.
> > This
> > > > reminds
> > > > >     > >> me
> > > > >     > >>>> of
> > > > >     > >>>>>> the
> > > > >     > >>>>>>>> transition plans that were discussed for moving from
> > > > >     > >>> zookeeper-based
> > > > >     > >>>>>>>> consumers to kafka-coordinator-based consumers. That
> > was
> > > > also
> > > > >     > >>> hard,
> > > > >     > >>>>> and
> > > > >     > >>>>>>>> ultimately we decided not to build that.
> > > > >     > >>>>>>>>
> > > > >     > >>>>>>>> -James
> > > > >     > >>>>>>>>
> > > > >     > >>>>>>>>
> > > > >     > >>>>>>>
> > > > >     > >>>>>>>
> > > > >     > >>>>>>
> > > > >     > >>>>>>
> > > > >     > >>>>>
> > > > >     > >>>>
> > > > >     > >>>>
> > > > >     > >>>>
> > > > >     > >>>> --
> > > > >     > >>>> -- Guozhang
> > > > >     > >>>>
> > > > >     > >>>
> > > > >     > >>
> > > > >     > >>
> > > > >     > >>
> > > > >     > >> --
> > > > >     > >> -- Guozhang
> > > > >     > >>
> > > > >     >
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > > --
> > > -Regards,
> > > Mayuresh R. Gharat
> > > (862) 250-7125
> > >
> >
> >
> > --
> > -Regards,
> > Mayuresh R. Gharat
> > (862) 250-7125
> >

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