Hello Boyang,

Thanks a lot for the KIP! It is a great write-up and I appreciate your
patience answering to the feedbacks from the community. I'd like to add my
2cents here:

1. By introducing another two timeout configs, registration_timeout and
expansion_timeout, we are effectively having four timeout configs: session
timeout, rebalance timeout (configured as "max.poll.interval.ms" on client
side), and these two. Interplaying these timeout configs can be quite hard
for users with such complexity, and hence I'm wondering if we can simplify
the situation with as less possible timeout configs as possible. Here is a
concrete suggestion I'd like propose:

1.a) Instead of introducing a registration_timeout in addition to the
session_timeout for static members, we can just reuse the session_timeout
and ask users to set it to a larger value when they are upgrading a dynamic
client to a static client by setting the "member.name" at the same time. By
default, the broker-side min.session.timeout is 6 seconds and
max.session.timeout is 5 minutes, which seems reasonable to me (we can of
course modify this broker config to enlarge the valid interval if we want
in practice). And then we should also consider removing the condition for
marking a client as failed if the rebalance timeout has reached while the
JoinGroup was not received, so that the semantics of session_timeout and
rebalance_timeout are totally separated: the former is only used to
determine if a consumer member of the group should be marked as failed and
kicked out of the group, and the latter is only used to determine the
longest time coordinator should wait for PREPARE_REBALANCE phase. In other
words if a member did not send the JoinGroup in time of the
rebalance_timeout, we still include it in the new generation of the group
and use its old subscription info to send to leader for assignment. Later
if the member came back with HeartBeat request, we can still follow the
normal path to bring it to the latest generation while checking that its
sent JoinGroup request contains the same subscription info as we used to
assign the partitions previously (which should be likely the case in
practice). In addition, we should let static members to not send the
LeaveGroup request when it is gracefully shutdown, so that a static member
can only be leaving the group if its session has timed out, OR it has been
indicated to not exist in the group any more (details below).

1.b) We have a parallel discussion about Incremental Cooperative
Rebalancing, in which we will encode the "when to rebalance" logic at the
application level, instead of at the protocol level. By doing this we can
also enable a few other optimizations, e.g. at the Streams level to first
build up the state store as standby tasks and then trigger a second
rebalance to actually migrate the active tasks while keeping the actual
rebalance latency and hence unavailability window to be small (
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-6145). I'd propose we align
KIP-345 along with this idea, and hence do not add the expansion_timeout as
part of the protocol layer, but only do that at the application's
coordinator / assignor layer (Connect, Streams, etc). We can still,
deprecate the "*group.initial.rebalance.delay.ms
<http://group.initial.rebalance.delay.ms>*" though as part of this KIP
since we have discussed about its limit and think it is actually not a very
good design and could be replaced with client-side logic above.

2. I'd like to see your thoughts on the upgrade path for this KIP. More
specifically, let's say after we have upgraded broker version to be able to
recognize the new versions of JoinGroup request and the admin requests, how
should we upgrade the clients and enable static groups? On top of my head
if we do a rolling bounce in which we set the member.name config as well as
optionally increase the session.timeout config when we bounce each
instance, then during this rolling bounces we will have a group contained
with both dynamic members and static members. It means that we should have
the group to allow such scenario (i.e. we cannot reject JoinGroup requests
from dynamic members), and hence the "member.name" -> "member.id" mapping
will only be partial at this scenario. Also could you describe if the
upgrade to the first version that support this feature would ever get any
benefits, or only the future upgrade path for rolling bounces could get
benefits out of this feature?

If that's the case and we will do 1) as suggested above, do we still need
the enableStaticMembership and enableDynamicMembership admin requests any
more? Seems it is not necessary any more as we will only have the notion of
"dynamic or static members" that can co-exist in a group while there no
notion of "dynamic or static groups", and hence these two requests are not
needed anymore.

3. We need to briefly talk about the implications for ACL as we introduce
new admin requests that are related to a specific group.id. For example, we
need to make sure that whoever created the group or joined the group can
actually send admin requests for the group, otherwise the application
owners need to bother the Kafka operators on a multi-tenant cluster every
time they want to send any admin requests for their groups which would be
an operational nightmare.

4. I like Jason's suggestion of adding an optional field for the list of
member names, and I'm wondering if that can be done as part of the
forceStaticRebalance request: i.e. by passing a list of members, we will
enforce a rebalance immediately since it indicates that some static member
will be officially kicked out of the group and some new static members may
be added. So back to 1.a) above, a static member can only be kicked out of
the group if a) its session (arguably long period of time) has timed out,
and b) this admin request explicitly state that it is no longer part of the
group. As for execution I'm fine with keeping it as a future work of this
KIP if you'd like to make its scope smaller.

Following are minor comments:

5. I'm not sure if we need to include "member.name" as part of the
OffsetCommitRequest for fencing purposes, as I think the memberId plus the
generation number should be sufficient for fencing even with static members.

6. As mentioned above, if we agree to do 1) we can get rid of the "


On Sat, Nov 17, 2018 at 5:53 PM Dong Lin <lindon...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hey Boyang,
> Thanks for the proposal! This is very useful. I have some comments below:
> 1) The motivation currently explicitly states that the goal is to improve
> performance for heavy state application. It seems that the motivation can
> be stronger with the following use-case. Currently for MirrorMaker cluster
> with e.g. 100 MirrorMaker processes, it will take a long time to rolling
> bounce the entire MirrorMaker cluster. Each MirrorMaker process restart
> will trigger a rebalance which currently pause the consumption of the all
> partitions of the MirrorMaker cluster. With the change stated in this
> patch, as long as a MirrorMaker can restart within the specified timeout
> (e.g. 2 minutes), then we only need constant number of rebalance (e.g. for
> leader restart) for the entire rolling bounce, which will significantly
> improves the availability of the MirrorMaker pipeline. In my opinion, the
> main benefit of the KIP is to avoid unnecessary rebalance if the consumer
> process can be restarted within soon, which helps performance even if
> overhead of state shuffling for a given process is small.
> 2) In order to simplify the KIP reading, can you follow the writeup style
> of other KIP (e.g. KIP-98) and list the interface change such as new
> configs (e.g. registration timeout), new request/response, new AdminClient
> API and new error code (e.g. DUPLICATE_STATIC_MEMBER)? Currently some of
> these are specified in the Proposed Change section which makes it a bit
> inconvenient to understand the new interface that will be exposed to user.
> Explanation of the current two-phase rebalance protocol probably can be
> moved out of public interface section.
> 3) There are currently two version of JoinGroupRequest in the KIP and only
> one of them has field memberId. This seems confusing.
> 4) It is mentioned in the KIP that "An admin API to force rebalance could
> be helpful here, but we will make a call once we finished the major
> implementation". So this seems to be still an open question in the current
> design. We probably want to agree on this before voting for the KIP.
> 5) The KIP currently adds new config MEMBER_NAME for consumer. Can you
> specify the name of the config key and the default config value? Possible
> default values include empty string or null (similar to transaction.id in
> producer config).
> 6) Regarding the use of the topic "static_member_map" to persist member
> name map, currently if consumer coordinator broker goes offline, rebalance
> is triggered and consumers will try connect to the new coordinator. If
> these consumers can connect to the new coordinator within
> max.poll.interval.ms which by default is 5 minutes, given that broker can
> use a deterministic algorithm to determine the partition -> member_name
> mapping, each consumer should get assigned the same set of partitions
> without requiring state shuffling. So it is not clear whether we have a
> strong use-case for this new logic. Can you help clarify what is the
> benefit of using topic "static_member_map" to persist member name map?
> 7) Regarding the introduction of the expensionTimeoutMs config, it is
> mentioned that "we are using expansion timeout to replace rebalance
> timeout, which is configured by max.poll.intervals from client side, and
> using registration timeout to replace session timeout". Currently the
> default max.poll.interval.ms is configured to be 5 minutes and there will
> be only one rebalance if all new consumers can join within 5 minutes. So it
> is not clear whether we have a strong use-case for this new config. Can you
> explain what is the benefit of introducing this new config?
> 8) It is mentioned that "To distinguish between previous version of
> protocol, we will also increase the join group request version to v4 when
> MEMBER_NAME is set" and "If the broker version is not the latest (< v4),
> the join group request shall be downgraded to v3 without setting the member
> Id". It is probably simpler to just say that this feature is enabled if
> JoinGroupRequest V4 is supported on both client and broker and MEMBER_NAME
> is configured with non-empty string.
> 9) It is mentioned that broker may return NO_STATIC_MEMBER_INFO_SET error
> in OffsetCommitResponse for "commit requests under static membership". Can
> you clarify how broker determines whether the commit request is under
> static membership?
> Thanks,
> Dong

-- Guozhang

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