`Sum` is an existing name, for the "sampled sum" metric, that gets
deprecated. Hence, we cannot use it.

If we cannot use `Sum` and use `TotalSum`, we should also not use
`Count` but `TotalCount` for consistency.


On 7/11/19 12:58 PM, Bruno Cadonna wrote:
> Hi John,
> Thank you for the KIP.
> I also do not like CumulativeSum/Count so much. I propose to just call
> it Sum and Count.
> I understand that you want to unequivocally distinguish the two metric
> functions by their names, but I have the feeling the names become
> artificially complex. The exact semantics can also be documented in
> the javadocs, which btw could also be improved in those classes.
> Best,
> Bruno
> On Thu, Jul 11, 2019 at 8:25 PM Matthias J. Sax <matth...@confluent.io> wrote:
>> Thanks for the KIP. Overall LGTM.
>> The only though I have is, if we may want to use `TotalSum` and
>> `TotalCount` instead of `CumulativeSum/Count` as names?
>> -Matthias
>> On 7/11/19 9:31 AM, John Roesler wrote:
>>> Hi Kafka devs,
>>> I'd like to propose KIP-488 as a minor cleanup of some of our metric
>>> implementations.
>>> KIP-488: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/x/kkAyBw
>>> Over time, iterative updates to these metrics has resulted in a pretty
>>> confusing little collection of classes, and I've personally been
>>> involved in three separate moderately time-consuming iterations of me
>>> or someone else trying to work out which metrics are available, and
>>> which ones are desired for a given use case. One of these was actually
>>> a long-running bug in Kafka Streams' metrics, so not only has this
>>> confusion been a time sink, but it has also led to bugs.
>>> I'm hoping this change won't be too controversial.
>>> Thanks,
>>> -John

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