@Achim / @JB:

Sorry for the misunderstanding. I didn't mean to ship a binary
distribution with a JVM embedded, I meant to modify the scripts so that
Karaf by default prefers a JVM if (and only if) one is present in a
certain directory within KARAF_HOME.

In case none is there, just follow the same search order like at the
moment (ie. first look for a JAVA_HOME env var and if that is missing
search for a java binary in the path).

That would be enough for users to package a JVM without needing to
modify the setenv scripts...


Am 31.10.2016 um 13:49 schrieb Jean-Baptiste Onofré:
> Hi Sascha,
> An "embedded" distribution of Karaf with JVM is a good idea. It sounds a
> bit like a docker image ;)
> However, unfortunately, I'm not sure it would be possible to provide
> such distribution directly at Karaf due to legal constraint.
> We can provide a script (like a dockerfiles I created) to let users
> create their own custom distro.
> Regards
> JB
> On 10/31/2016 01:33 PM, Sascha Vogt wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> we're workig on a Karaf based product and have the requirement to use
>> the JVM we ship with the product. We thought that might also be
>> interesting to others, so we wanted to share our proposal / current
>> implementation (and are also willing to provide the required patches).
>> Main idea is to modify the start scripts (including the service
>> wrappers?) to prefer a JVM inside the KARAF_HOME directory (ie.
>> runtime/jvm64, or just plain jvm in KARAF_HOME). Whenever such a
>> directory is present it is prefered over a JAVA_HOME env var or whatever
>> else is in the path.
>> Reason to also prefer it over JAVA_HOME is because if you run alongside
>> other Java applications on a server, JAVA_HOME might already be set for
>> other applications and the admin cannot change it.
>> At the moment we have implemented the above via custom setenv scripts we
>> ship which then sets JAVA_HOME to KARAF_HOME/runtime/jvm64. When
>> "wrapper:install" is called, this JAVA_HOME is taken to the wrapper
>> properties.
>> We spoke with the Instana[1] people as their agent is also Karaf based
>> and they were interested in it as well, so we know at least one other
>> Karaf user who would welcome that :)
>> Anyway, any feeback is welcome. Also of course the name of the
>> directory(ies) can be discussed.
>> Greetings
>> -Sascha-
>> [1]https://www.instana.com/

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