Hi Robert,

thanks for your feedback, and I fully agree with you.

For the release, it's largely my fault for 4.2.1: I wanted to include
too much fixes, upgrades and new features. My bad, and apologize for
that. That's why I wanted to propose to reduce scope of the releases and
do it on a regular pace, much more predictable to users/devs like you.

For the changes, we are now much more "strict" in the changes we are
doing. Any breaking changes is not allowed on a minor release.

For the documentation, we started a huge work on this one. You can
already see the user guide is largely better than before IMHO. Now the
target is on the dev guide and related examples.

I see your point the way you are "packaging" the features. Any reason
why you don't manage your features repository by hand ?

Anyway, 4.1.6 has been released and 4.2.1 will be on vote tonight.
Starting for there, I will send the release agenda with a release every
two months for both Karaf Container but also the subprojects.

Thanks !

On 17/08/2018 15:12, Robert Varga wrote:
> Hello Jamie, everyone,
> On 16/08/18 10:46, Jamie G. wrote:
>> Karaf is used / consumed heavily in the SDN world (see OpenDaylight &
>> its ecosystem).
>> For that community they do treat Karaf as a SDK for developing their
>> apps, its also of course their runtime.
>> The long support runs we provide for Karaf major versions is seen as a
>> benefit as SDN deployments typically run major infrastructure. The
>> release pace is a function of available time from the community -
>> speaking from my experiences with Karaf releases they are a fare
>> amount of work; more hands involved in testing, stabilizing builds,
>> etc are always welcomed :)
>> As to how Karaf is presented; Karaf is many things to many people, I'd
>> rather keep the open development possibilities than restrict them.
> As one of the guys who spent countless hours pushing Karaf upgrades
> through the OpenDaylight ecosystem and with m OpenDaylight Offset-0 TSC
> Representative hat on, I would like to contribute the follow to the
> discussion:
> I whole-heartily support faster and more predictable release schedule.
> OpenDaylight follows strict 6 month release cadence
> (https://opendaylight.readthedocs.io/en/latest/release-process/release-schedule.html).
> Third-party component upgrades are integrated in the first 6 weeks, with
> only very minor adjustments being done afterwards. In this context
> karaf-4.2.1 and karaf-4.1.6 having slipped as much as they did is very
> bad for ability to plan ahead.
> Furthermore, so far each and every Karaf upgrade has been problematic --
> partly because of the technical debt present in our code base, but more
> importantly due to sheer amount of changes even a x.x.1 bump in Karaf
> version brings to the table. Those changes have been quite uncontrolled
> in the past -- like the change in the default TransformerFactory in
> 3.0.6, which caused quite a lot of grief evidenced in
> https://bugs.opendaylight.org/show_bug.cgi?id=5917.
> While we have reasons for using Karaf in OpenDaylight, it is seen by
> many developers as an unneeded complication of our platform -- to the
> point that there is https://lighty.io and
> https://wiki.opendaylight.org/view/Events:Neon_Dev_Forum#OpenDaylight_without_Karaf_and_OSGi.
> As far as I understand the motivations, there are three drivers:
> - regard of OSGi as an unnecessary complication
> - the kitchen-sink nature of Karaf packaging, which brings unneeded fat,
> especially considering the general move to stateless containers
> - slow and painful upgrade process
> Aside from the schedule, I would like to make two technical asks:
> 1) Thoroughly document features specification
> We use features as a deployment descriptor to tie together the
> components of our system, with the OpenDaylight distribution contains
> around 300 individual features. While features are cool, they also seem
> to be quite under-documented, especially in terms of their interplay
> with the resolver -- for example, what exactly does it exactly mean to
> declare a feature dependency with dependency=true and prerequisite=true
> from perspective of feature/bundle lifecycle?
> 2) Split up feature repositories into individual features
> OpenDaylight is structured as a set of individual projects, which
> gradually build up the platform. We use extensively karaf-maven-plugin
> to generate features and the fact that individual features in
> features/standard are not available as maven artifacts forces us to
> define things like
> https://github.com/opendaylight/odlparent/tree/master/features/odl-karaf-feat-jetty
> just to get sane features generated without pulling in all of standard.
> Thanks,
> Robert

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