According to your feedback, the "simple" resolver moved to "low" priority. I 
will anyway submit a PR for review and discussion but less urgent.

Thanks for your feedback !


> Le 4 mai 2020 à 07:31, Jean-Baptiste Onofre <> a écrit :
> Hi guys,
> I’m working on several improvements this week where I would need your review 
> and thoughts.
> 1. JAXB remove
> We have a JAXB dependency in Karaf core just for the features service. As the 
> features model is "static" (we don’t change features model at runtime), I 
> would like to remove the JAXB dependency and generate the parser at build 
> time with SXC for instance. I will add a build profile to generate the parse 
> when the model change (it doesn’t happen very often to be honest).
> The purpose is to provide a even lighter Karaf runtime. About that, I would 
> like also to promote a bit the minimal distribution and do it even lighter. I 
> propose to push minimal as official docker image, allowing people to start 
> from minimal to create their own docker image (we will provide improved tools 
> about that).
> 2. Features JSON
> As an alternative to features XML repo, I’ve working on features JSON repo. 
> It’s similar in term of content, but you will now have the choice between XML 
> and JSON.
> 3. Simple resolver
> Several users complained about the features resolver: it might be seen as 
> complex (you have to understand req/caps, etc), it’s not always predictable 
> (due to refresh with optional import, etc). I would like to propose an 
> alternative: the simple resolver. It’s pretty simple: it just takes what you 
> have in features definition. It’s an optional resolver, meaning that the 
> default will be still the regular resolver. The simple resolver can be 
> enabled in etc/org.apache.karaf.features.cfg.
> 4. Spec features and cleanup
> As already discussed, I would like to remove the lib/jdk9plus folder and all 
> spec packages from etc/ to use spec features instead.
> That will give us more control in the specs version and support of JDK.
> 5. ConfigAdmin persistence repository overwrite with env var
> It will be possible now to overwrite configuration with env var. For 
> instance, if you have a property foo in my.config pid, you will be able to 
> overwrite this property with -Dmy.config:foo=bar at bootstrap.
> If you agree, I would like to include those improvements in coming release 
> (4.2.9 and 4.3.0.RC2).
> Regards
> JB

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