Thanks for the questions.

Yes, that is exactly what I was proposing - I want to make it extremely
easy to copy without much chance for messing up:

cp -r demo/conf conf

is all that we would have to do.

We could move it under templates (samples aren't the same thing) and it
would look like:

cp -r templates/demo/conf conf
cp -r templates/demo/sandbox/conf conf

There is a risk that they start the copy from the wrong directory and copy
a bunch of junk into the actual conf but we could also provide a demo
install script to help mitigate that.

The reason that I wasn't thinking to put it under templates earlier is that
they are really templates for production deployments but I can imagine
extending that scope to include demos as well.

FYI - I will also be adding a new template called topology.xml for use as
the production template rather than sample.xml.

It is a bit unruly in that directory now and I think that we probably
should provide some tooling to help with the more complicated
configurations at some point. I would love to have a shell where you add
providers and services interactively and end it with a save as template or
deploy command. I also think that actual templating with files in that
directory would be great. IMHO, all of that needs some more thought and
attention before a 1.0 release.

Would you rather we put the demo into the templates directory?

On Tue, Sep 2, 2014 at 11:30 AM, Kevin Minder <>

> Can you be a bit more specific about what you are considering doing in the
> source tree?  Are you saying that you will be adding these directories:
> gateway-release/home/demo
> gateway-release/home/demo/conf
> My only concern is that we already have these:
> gateway-release/home/templates
> gateway-release/home/samples
> and they are already a little poorly defined and out of control. I'm sure
> this is why you are going with a new directory but isn't that really making
> the problem worse?  Also doesn't this end up being a very specific type of
> demo (i.e. HDP Sandbox demo)? Ideally there could be others right?
> On 9/2/14 11:11 AM, larry mccay wrote:
>> All -
>> In order to describe the installation of a production deployment vs a demo
>> deployment, I would like to separate the out-of-the-box install from demo
>> setup.
>> Currently, when you unpack the knox archive, the conf directory includes a
>> couple artifacts that are demo specific and are not likely required for a
>> production install.
>> What I have in mind is to move those artifacts into a demo/conf directory
>> and describe the recursive copy of that directory into the actual conf
>> directory in order to deploy the demo.
>> Alternatively, when creating a production deployment, you would copy a
>> templates/topology.xml to the conf/topologies/{clustername}.xml file and
>> edit it to reflect the production environment details.
>> The templates/admin.xml would then be optionally copied to conf/topologies
>> as well.
>> Then for both types of deployments the creation of the master secret would
>> be done through the ' create-master' command.
>> Following that, the deployment is ready for start.
>> Unless someone has an objection to this approach, I will make the required
>> changes to the gateway-release module today.
>> Please let me know if this makes sense to you.
>> thanks,
>> --larry
> --
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