Hello Kylin developers,

As you know, Kylin has a full regression test (also called "integration
test"), which covers UT, cube build (batch & streaming), SQL queries and
others. With this regression test, we can know whether a change is safe or
not (to some extent, not 100%). Many issues can be found with this test.

Since this test need be executed in a Hadoop environment, at least be a
Hadoop Sandbox with 10GB memory and 40 GB disk. Apache Foundation doesn't
have the resource for this purpose. So in the past, we can only run it on
the private server; The status and result are invisible for Kylin
community, that impacts the communication and efficiency.

Now, we received a donation to run such a dedicated CI server
(T2.xlarge instance) on AWS for at least 6 months.  It will run every 8 hrs
(pull from master branch), each round takes about 1 hr; Once the test is
failed, it will automatically send email to the one who breaks the CI.
Later we plan to automate it with JIRA/Github workflow.

Anonymous user can only view the test result and log. The Hadoop YARN RM
and history server are open for checking job status, you can access it at
8088 and 19888 port.

The server information is also updated in the "CI and Code Analysis"
section on https://kylin.apache.org/development/

Let's use this CI to check the status and communicate on the specific
problem. If you have any suggestion, please raise it in the dev mailing

Best regards,

Shaofeng Shi 史少锋

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