Hi Rail,


I am very happy that we started a close collaboration process between Sun Microsystems and community. :)

I am very happy as well :-) .

Regarding Glossary Tool. Of course upcoming questions will be about contributing into it. ;) Is there a base English glossary (source terms) for which you plan to create localized glossaries (target terms)?

Actually no. The number of terms included in the glossary is language independent. This is because in every language the number and the terms that need to be specified in a glossary to use during translation is different.

~150 terms are not the final count I know, but I cannot find any "user friendly" form for online term submission. You need to create text/spreadsheet off-line and submit it for manual import. It will be great if end user (in terms of User Guide for Terminology Management) can add new pending term and/or translate the glossary to target language.

Yes, ~150 are indeed not many. What you could do is to extract StarOffice glossaries selecting another target language. French is, for example, one of the most comprehensive glossary. In this way you could check if the English terms listed there should be listed in the Russian glossary as well. But of course you may choose another language and use the English terms listed there as a basis....


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