Hi tora,

On Friday, 2009-06-05 22:24:40 +0900, tora - Takamichi Akiyama wrote:

> I am not familiar about how to connect a type of language to that of local 
> data.

UI localization and the locale data used to display / format / parse
values are independent, you can use UI of one language and have the
locale set to a completely different language/country combination.

> What I thought was that there was am_ET.xml in the pool of locale data:
> http://svn.services.openoffice.org/ooo/trunk/i18npool/source/localedata/data/
> So, I mistakenly jumped into the idea that that should be am_ET instead of am.
> Looking for other languages, I see:
>  de_AT.xml for German in AUSTRIA
>  de_CH.xml for German in SWITZERLAND
>  de_DE.xml for German in GERMANY
>  de_LI.xml for German in LIECHTENSTEIN
>  de_LU.xml for German in LUXEMBOURG
> http://www.iso.org/iso/english_country_names_and_code_elements
> While a download file for German is:
> OOo_3.1.0_Win32Intel_install_de.exe

Correct, an Austrian localization (actually language details do differ
to some degree) would be feasible though. An example for different UI
localizations of the "same" language are Portuguese 'pt' and Brazilian
Portuguese 'pt-BR' as a specialization. So even if there is a generic
localization for one language a specialized country dependent
translation is possible.

> Therefore, I was wrong about that.
> The language code 'am', instead of am_ET, is sufficient for Amharic.
> Is that correct?

Yes, correct.


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