Hi Sorin,

You need to create your packages from github. In the entrypoint script on 
https://github.com/michaelhenkel/opencontrail-builder you will find some 
pointers. Installation of the packages can then be done using the fab scripts  


From: Dev <dev-boun...@lists.opencontrail.org> on behalf of Sorin tudor 
Toderica <stoder...@lenovo.com>
Date: Monday, January 16, 2017 at 8:53 AM
To: Jakub Pavlik <jpav...@mirantis.com>
Cc: "dev@lists.opencontrail.org" <dev@lists.opencontrail.org>
Subject: Re: [opencontrail-dev] how can I build one contrail debian packet that 
can be used to deploy opencontrail with fabric utility (like 

Thank you very much Jakub,

We will definitelly try it out.
On the other hand this is not quite the answer to my question. Should I infer 
that the instalation based on a unique contrail package and the fabric utiliy – 
the original way of deploymnet  - is not public? Or is not documented?

Best regards,

From: Jakub Pavlik [mailto:jpav...@mirantis.com]
Sent: Monday, January 16, 2017 6:55 AM
To: Sorin tudor Toderica
Cc: dev@lists.opencontrail.org
Subject: Re: [opencontrail-dev] how can I build one contrail debian packet that 
can be used to deploy opencontrail with fabric utility (like 

Hi Sorin,

you can also take a look on 
https://github.com/openstack/salt-formula-opencontrail which is used inside of 
Mirantis deployment of OpenContrail. It is compatible with packages from 
following ppa https://launchpad.net/~tcpcloud/+archive/ubuntu/contrail-3.0



On Fri, Jan 13, 2017 at 4:24 PM, Sorin tudor Toderica 
<stoder...@lenovo.com<mailto:stoder...@lenovo.com>> wrote:

   We currently try to evaluate for our needs the opencontrail solution, we 
manage to install it on different VMs and physical severs using 
contrail-installer setup (and Ubuntu currently) but our understanding is this 
installation  receipt was done for development purpose and not for production 

   On Juniper contrail user guide the user is advised to use the fabric utility 
plus a testbed.py file to deploy contrail on one or multiple nodes in different 
(programmable) topology that my suit each user needs. Looks to be an elegant, 
documented and nice, simple deployment solution.

  Looks that the fabric utility is also public , but I was not able to find 
anywhere a document to describe how can I obtain the single contrail (debian) 
package used by fabric utility based deployment. Juniper way to build and 
deploy contrail in production  is also public or it is private? And if it is 
public is there a document to describe how one can build a packet like 
(contrail-install-packages-1.xx-xxx~xxxxxx_all.deb) the one that appears in 
contrail user-guide?

I was trying to read in the mail archive the topics related to the packages but 
I did not found the answer. From this thread 
 I’ve learned that different companies have different approaches in doing the 
packaging and deployment but I was not able to find the reason.

Thank you very much,

Dev mailing list

Jakub Pavlik
+420 602 177 027
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