Hello all,

I am done with my origin advanced installation (thanks to your useful help) 
which architecture is composed of 4 virtualized servers (on the same network):

-       1  Master

-       2 Nodes

-       1 VM hosting Ansible

My next steps are to implement/test some use cases with a three-tier App(each 
App's tier being hosted on a different VM):

-       The horizontal scalability;

-       The load-balancing of the Nodes : Keep the system running even if one 
of the VMs goes down;

-       App's monitoring using Origin API: Allow the Origin API to "tell" the 
App on which VM is hosted each tier. (I still don't know how to test that 

There are some notions that are still not clear to me:

-       From my web console, how can I know on which Node has my App been 

-       How can I put each component of my App on a separated Node?

-       How does the "zones" concept in origin work?

Content of /etc/ansible/hosts of my Ansible hosting VM:
# host group for nodes, includes region info
sv5305.selfdeploy.loc openshift_node_labels="{'region': 'infra', 'zone': 
'default'}" openshift_schedulable=false
sv5306.selfdeploy.loc openshift_node_labels="{'region': 'primary', 'zone': 
sv5307.selfdeploy.loc openshift_node_labels="{'region': 'primary', 'zone': 

Thank you in advance.



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