I dont know Openshift too well but I am trying to get the details that
would be returned from this command:

oc describe node -l app=sc-app

... (towards the bottom)...

*Allocated resources:*

*(Total limits may be over 100 percent, i.e., overcommitted.)*

*CPU Requests CPU Limits Memory Requests Memory Limits*

*------------ ---------- --------------- -------------*

*804m (50%) 1600m (100%) 1557Mi (6%) 3160Mi (12%)*

I take all the %ages for all the nodes and then average them for the whole
instance.... thereby getting a "utilization"...

Please advise...

I then disregard any nodes that are not ready..

oc get node -l app=sc-app --no-headers

and this bit seems to be available as *client.getServerReadyStatus();*

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