FYI.  Many Parabola PKGBUILDs also use this.

On 2018-02-27 at 12:28:07
Stuart Henderson wrote:
> Many ports are using github's on-the-fly generated source-code tarballs
> via the GH_ variables in Makefiles.
> These are *not* guaranteed to be stable, they can change as github
> update software and caches expire (this has happened at some point over
> the last few months so we have been seeing a number of hash failures
> recently). Due to local caches at the github clusters, these files
> can be different depending on which cluster you're connecting to,
> so if you regenerate distinfo to match the file which you see
> locally, it may cause breakage elsewhere in the world.
> :   "It is not meant to be reliable or a way to distribute software
> :   releases and nothing in the software stack is made to try to
> :   produce consistent archives."
> Sometimes upstream *only* provides these auto generated files, but in
> other cases they use github's releases infrastructure and upload "normal"
> generated distfiles which are not then subject to change.
> To identify this, go to the project's "releases" page.
> Using an example of a port I've just fixed:
> Under "Assets" on this page, you might see files with a "box" icon
> which are uploads.
> On the iec16022 page I'm using as an example, Assets has these:
> iec16022-0.3.0.exe                    <- uploaded windows binary
> iec16022-0.3.0.tar.xz                 <- uploaded source tarball
> iec16022-0.3.0.tar.xz.asc             <- uploaded gpg sig
> Source code (zip)                     <- auto generated
> Source code (tar.gz)                  <- auto generated
> If there are only entries for "Source code (zip)" and "Source code
> (tar.gz)" the only options are to use GH_TAGNAME or ask upstream to
> upload a file.
> But in the case above, a proper distfile is available, so I've
> switched the graphics/iec16022 port across to use it.
> This is done by avoiding the GH_* variables and reducing the amount
> of magic in the ports Makefile: just use DISTNAME and MASTER_SITES
> as standard, and set HOMEPAGE if needed (it's provided automatically
> when GH_* are set).
> You will also often find that these uploaded tarballs have autoconf
> scripts etc. generated, whereas they aren't present in the auto-
> generated tarballs, so you may be able to remove make targets and
> dependencies needed to generate these.
> If you are publishing your own software to github, please do use
> the releases infrastructure and upload distfiles that you have
> generated yourself!
> I've done a query of the github releases API for all ports that are
> currently using GH_TAGNAME and looked at assets for these. I have skipped
> the ones where the assets are clearly only for distributing binaries and
> listed the others: it is quite likely that the following ports do have
> source tarballs available which can be used instead of the auto-generated
> ones.
> archivers/deutex
> astro/stellarium
> audio/audiality2
> audio/cantata
> audio/mumble
> audio/puddletag
> devel/cpp-hocon
> devel/leatherman
> devel/lua-tz
> devel/msgpack
> devel/ocaml-extlib
> devel/protobuf-c
> fonts/fantasque-sans
> fonts/overpass
> games/fs2open
> games/megaglest/base
> games/megaglest/data
> games/unknown-horizons
> geo/osm-gps-map
> graphics/ffmpegthumbnailer
> graphics/glm
> graphics/py-cairo
> graphics/vigra
> inputmethods/ibus
> inputmethods/ibus-anthy
> mail/mu
> math/libtommath
> misc/redshift
> multimedia/streamlink
> net/avahi
> net/libproxy
> net/libstrophe
> net/lua-mmdb
> net/lua-psl
> net/nagios/check_rabbitmq
> net/rabbitmq-c
> net/rsnapshot
> print/cups
> print/system-config-printer
> security/gopass
> security/opensc
> security/plaso
> security/py-dfdatetime
> security/py-dfvfs
> security/py-dfwinreg
> sysutils/consolekit
> sysutils/exfat-fuse
> sysutils/fleetctl
> sysutils/opam
> sysutils/riemann-c-client
> sysutils/rofi
> sysutils/tree
> textproc/enchant
> textproc/libical
> www/kore
> www/liferea
> www/py-jinja2
> www/wp-cli
> x11/compton
> x11/xdotool
> x11/xwallpaper
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