They just need the String version:

On 2017-07-26 17:40, Gary Gregory wrote:
What do our XML and JSON server need? Let's make sure we handle those use


On Jul 26, 2017 05:30, "Jörn Huxhorn" <> wrote:


On 26. July 2017 at 13:29:27, Mikael Ståldal ( wrote:
Maybe I should remove both the Reader and the InputStream versions,
since they cannot parse multiple log events from a stream, and are thus
not very useful.

On 2017-07-26 10:34, Jörn Huxhorn wrote:
It would maybe be a good idea to get rid of the Reader method
altogether since it mainly
introduces an unnecessary point of failure if the Reader is using an
encoding other than

Using a FileReader would be an example for this since its limited
c'tors are always using

The correct way to create an UTF-8 file reader is the less than
obvious "new InputStreamReader(new
FileInputStream(file), StandardCharsets.UTF_8)”. That’s a very common

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