I didn’t try to run the build from master. I checked out the release tag. The 
normal process with the maven release plugin is to update the version to the 
release version on master, create a tag, and then update the version to the 
next development version.  The release build is then performed by checking out 
the tag. I expected to see the log4cxx release version in the pom on the 
release tag and it wasn’t there. Once a release tag is created no modifications 
can be made so everything needs to be correct. In Log4j I only create a release 
branch from the tag if a patch to that release is required. To date, we have 
never done that.

As far as deploying the site goes, we deploy to a version such as 0.11.0 and 
then change the symlink for the current site to point to the release directory. 
As I understand it, that is what you did. However, when I open 
<https://logging.apache.org/log4cxx/latest_stable/download.html> and the 
changelog page in my browser I am still seeing the site for 0.10.0.


> On Aug 22, 2020, at 1:34 AM, Thorsten Schöning <tschoen...@am-soft.de> wrote:
> Guten Tag Ralph Goers,
> am Freitag, 21. August 2020 um 23:42 schrieben Sie:
>> At this point I am not sure how to update the site.
> TL;DR:
> The site describing the latest release is not supposed to be updated
> from MASTER. Sources need to be merged to "latest_stable", revision
> numbers, release dates in e.g. "changes.xml" updated in that branch
> and then "mvn site-deploy" used in that branch. Afterwards links
> available in the SVN for sites need to be customized.
> I did that just now: https://logging.apache.org/log4cxx/latest_stable/
> Some more details:
> The original release-process using MVN and the afterwards created
> scripts should have resulted in new branches and tags created to vote
> on. After that vote is accepted, the released source should be merged
> into the branch "latest_stable" and that branch would be the one to
> generate the updated site from.
> Using MVN to create the release, which was the approach of the past,
> should have handled changing version numbers everywhere according its
> own concepts. That leads to a new version number because of a new
> development cycle in MASTER and is the reason why MASTER will never be
> the correct place to update the released site. After the release, the
> version number in MASTER will always be ahead of the release.
> Generating a site triggers some ANT-logic to either update existing
> folders or create new ones in SVN based on the current version number
> of the project in "pom.xml". That reduces things like
> "0.11.0-SNAPSHOT" to "0.11.0" only and can therefore work for releases
> and MASTER the same time. It's only important to exec that from the
> correct branch to get the correct version number.
> That's the reason why "latest_stable" needs to be used to publish:
> That contains e.g. "0.11.0" after a release why MASTER contains
> "0.12.0-SNAPSHOT" or alike already. So generating the site with MASTER
> vs. "latest_stable" results in different sites available in SVN.
> To make handling those different directories easier, I created two
> links "latest_stable" and "next_stable" in the past simply targeting
> the corresponding directory. So after a release and after new sites
> have been generated, those links needs to be changed to their new
> targets. We currently have the following:
>> 0.10.0
>> 0.11.0
>> latest_stable -> 0.10.0
>> next_stable   -> 0.11.0
> Which I changed to the following now:
>> 0.10.0
>> 0.11.0
>> 0.12.0
>> old_stable    -> 0.10.0
>> latest_stable -> 0.11.0
>> next_stable   -> 0.12.0
> While this all might sound a bit difficult, reason simply is that I
> tried to reuse as much as possible of the formerly available
> release-process and only automate those things that needed to be done
> manually in the past.
> Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
> Thorsten Schöning
> -- 
> Thorsten Schöning       E-Mail: thorsten.schoen...@am-soft.de
> AM-SoFT IT-Systeme      http://www.AM-SoFT.de/
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