I'm hoping that the angularJS admin UI (patched at SOLR-7558) will make
it into 5.2, so that we can get some serious user feedback. That
currently rests upon Erick's shoulders :-)

There's a few known issues in it that I'd like to resolve before 5.2 -
how long is planned between the branch and the release?


On Mon, May 18, 2015, at 06:47 PM, Anshum Gupta wrote:
> Hi,
> Seems like there's enough features + improvements + fixes and it'd be
> good to release a 5.2. To name just a few, there's the new faceting
> API, rule-based replica placement, Solr security framework, Solr
> streaming expressions, upgrade to Jetty 9 and a lot of refactoring.
> I'd like to cut a 5.2 branch on Thursday.
> --
> Anshum Gupta

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