>  git push origin HEAD:master (this is the equivalent of svn commit)
>  (b) Is there a less verbose way to do it,

I'm no git expert either, but it seems like the simplest example of
applying and committing a patch could be much simpler by having good
defaults and not using a separate branch.

1) update your repo (note my .gitconfig makes this use rebasing)
$ git pull

2) apply patch / changes, run tests, etc

3) commit locally
$ git add  # add the changed files.. use "git add -u" for adding all
modified files
$ git commit -m "my commit message"

4) push to remote
$ git push


------------ my .gitconfig ----------
  name = yonik
  email = yo...@apache.org

  diff = auto
  status = auto
  branch = auto

  br = branch
  co = checkout
  l = log --pretty=oneline
  hist = log --pretty=format:\"%h %ad | %s%d [%an]\" --graph --date=short

autosetuprebase = always

default = tracking

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