This sounds good, but isn't the repo name redundant given it is implied by
the email going to commits@l.a.o?
On Feb 19, 2016 4:38 PM, "Chris Hostetter" <> wrote:

> : seems to
> : suggest there is per project flexibility. Branch not one of the
> : (currently) available variables though, no?
> :
> : +1 for "the branch be included in the subject"
> Thanks for finding that link Christine,
> I pinged #infra on HipChat to try and find the actual code in question to
> see how hard it would be to add "branch" based variables so I could
> propose a patch to infra rather then just a general "can we do this?" type
> request, but aparently that code is ASF specific and lives in a private
> infra repo, so only infra members can read/write.  Gavin said new subject
> variables are usually not a big deal though.
> That said, before I request any changes, I want to make sure I'm
> not wasting the time of any infra volunteers -- so I'd like to make sure
> we have some concensus on what we'd ideally like...
> : Perhaps the script could only include the last N elements of the name,
> : so we get lucene-5438-nrt-replication or
> : jira/lucene-5438-nrt-replication instead of the full branch name.  Or
> : maybe a regex could be used to target refs\/.*?\/ (or something more
> : complex) for removal -- for some of the existing branch names, having
> : the last three path elements would be good, but for others, one or two
> : would be better.
> good point ... given that this is a general infra tool for all projects,
> and currently the only per-project configuration is (aparently) what the
> subject should be comprised of, i'm hesitent to try and request a lot of
> custom regex rules, and/or making any general assumptions about only using
> the last "N" elements of the name.
> (a common workflow i've seen is things
> like refs/head/jira/solr-xyz for a shared collaboration on that feature,
> while refs/head/hossman/jira/solr-xyz might be my proposed new direction
> for the code to take -- we wouldn't want those to get confused.)
> That said, i think it would totally make sense to request that
> "%(branch)s" should refering to the full branch path, and
> "%(shortbranch)s" should be the result of regex stripping
> "^refs\/(heads\/)?" from the full branch path.
> So "refs/heads/branch_7_5 => "branch_7_5"
> But "refs/tags/releases/lucene-solr/7.5.0"
>  => "tags/releases/lucene-solr/7.5.0"
> : There is normally a fairly limited amount of space for the subject in
> : the list view of an email client, so it seems like a good idea to keep
> : it short but relevant.
> Agreed -- so perhaps we should also request reducing some other
> redundencies? (ie: "git commit")
> what do folks think about requesting as our pattern...
>   "git: %(repo_name)s:%(shortbranch)s: %(subject)s"
> With some examples of what that would look like for a handful of commits
> from the past month...
> git: lucene-solr:branch_5x: fix test bug, using different randomness when
> creating the two IWCs
> [1/3] git: lucene-solr:lucene-6835: cut back to
> Directory.deleteFile(String); disable 'could not removed segments_N so I
> don't remove any other files it may reference' heroics
> [1/2] git: lucene-solr:master: LUCENE-7002: Fixed MultiCollector to not
> throw a NPE if setScorer is called after one of the sub collectors is done
> collecting.
> [2/2] git: lucene-solr:branch_5x: LUCENE-7002: Fixed MultiCollector to not
> throw a NPE if setScorer is called after one of the sub collectors is done
> collecting.
> ...note in particular those last two emails.  As I understand it they
> were two commits from the same "push", on diff branches (the master change
> and the 5x backport) ... which is now more clear with the branch name in
> the subject.
> Are folks in favor of requesting this from infra?
> -Hoss
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