On 23/05/16 23:11, Chris Hostetter wrote:
: Back when we used 4.4.0 I believe a query with rows=-1 returned all matching
: documents. In 5.1.0 (the one we are using now) rows=-1 will trigger a

Nope -- that's never been how rows=-1 behaved.
Believe you are wrong. That was how it behaved in 4.4.0

The fact that it didn't return an error is some older versions of solr
(and may have behaved similar to rows=0 in specific versions) was a bug of
poor validation.  but no "fetch all docs" behavior has ever been removed,
it never existed in the first place other then in the special case support
for the "/export" handler.
And I believe that was intended behavior. The javadoc for SortSpec.getCount still says that -1 ought to do a "no cut off". https://github.com/apache/lucene-solr/blob/branch_6_0/solr/core/src/java/org/apache/solr/search/SortSpec.java Also see Yoniks comment around 23/Mar/15 here: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-7254

Regards, Per

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