I also agree with Alex regarding tagging the issues and perhaps if
possible/known, tag the effort/complexity level (high, medium, easy or
beginner/seasoned etc.) that new comers can also contribute. This may help
to get the low-hanging fruits to get done quicker and close some of them.


On Sun, Oct 2, 2016 at 9:38 PM, Alexandre Rafalovitch <arafa...@gmail.com>

> I think the first step should be about increasing visibility rather than
> enforcing transition rules (so the report and reminder part).
> I've just been looking into Jira's reporting and it is quite flexible, but
> takes a while to wrap a mind around. Somebody digging in and coming up with
> great Solr-specific dashboards might be a way forward. People who are
> interested could then add them to their own screens.
> The next step would be to take those dashboards and run them centrally
> (e.g. on Amazon/Google AppEngine) with per-user information, to avoid those
> users needing to do the configuration.
> The next (or alternative) step would be to export JIRA data and do
> information crunching that the built-in reporting currently does not do.
> Reports I am specifically thinking about:
> *) Issues open for more than X days, in which the only activity
> (description+comments) comes from an original author. This would catch the
> issues nobody replied to yet
> *) Issues opened by a non-committer (to let people see the external
> community contribution and do triage/first-response)
> *) Issues where "I" made the last comment and X amount of time passed
> since - useful for "next action" reminders
> *) Issues older than X days that have '*.patch' attachment file (as
> opposed to random attachment)
> None of the above needs INFRA, as Jira will happily export up to ~200
> issues with full details per API call. I am doing some real basic
> exploration about it right now.
> I also mentioned before, but perhaps not in this discussion, that it would
> be really nice to have some clarity/improvements on tagging the issues. For
> example, I want to tag all Admin UI issues, but not sure what the right tag
> would be. I could of course come up with one myself, but the joke about
> having one-more standard worries me. I would be happier to work within some
> sort of consent-oriented taxonomy. Though, this could be just my problem,
> because I am choosing to do lower-hanging fruits over multiple components
> rather than dark magic in selected few.
> > We already have the “Later” resolution (6
> <https://issues.apache.org/jira/issues/?jql=project%20=%20SOLR%20AND%20resolution%20=%20Later>
>  issues
> in Solr, 14
> <https://issues.apache.org/jira/issues/?jql=project%20=%20LUCENE%20AND%20resolution%20=%20Later>
>  in
> Lucene).
> I've just tried closing SOLR-373. I don't think it worked the way I
> thought it would work. It is now closed but still with the Resolution
> "later". UI did not give me an easy option to edit that as I close. I think
> "Later" may work better as the Status field (So, Opened, Reopened, Later,
> Closed), but I am not sure INFRA would want to change that.
> Regards,
>    Alex.
> ----
> Newsletter and resources for Solr beginners and intermediates:
> http://www.solr-start.com/
> On 3 October 2016 at 03:23, Jan Høydahl <jan....@cominvent.com> wrote:
>> 29. sep. 2016 kl. 19.35 skrev Cassandra Targett <casstarg...@gmail.com>:
>> ...
>> I fear a 7-day respond-or-close policy would frustrate people more.
>> Users would see their issues now closed instead of just ignored, and
>> if it gets a +1 from someone to stay open, it can still sit for the
>> next 5 years the same way as today. We need to take that idea a step
>> further.
>> My 7-day comment was not a proposal to auto-close, but as some kind
>> of internal goal of the community.
>> What would I suggest instead? Not sure. One very small suggestion is
>> to add to Stefan's idea and send out a weekly mail about age of issues
>> - # of issues over 6 months, % increase/decrease, # of bugs with no
>> action in X days, # of improvements with patches that have no action
>> in X days.
>> Yes! A bigger ambition is to write a Python script that monitors and
>> enforces our agreed-upon rules and thresholds. If INFRA will give us
>> a user with API access for our projects we have ability to script just
>> about anything.
>> In addition to generating a weekly mail report, the lucene_jira.py script
>> could also perform various actions proactively and automatically
>> See sample state diagram: (https://dl.dropboxusercontent
>> .com/u/20080302/lucene_jira_states.png)
>> The diagram suggests a custom automatic state transition by the script.
>> Issues older than 6m with no comments in 30d will receive a comment
>> “Issue seems to be inactive, will auto-close in 30d unless new activity.
>> If you want to close for now but be reminded in 12months, please close
>> manually with resolution=Later”.
>> The script will then tag the issue with a custom label “warn_close” which
>> it can use to decide whether to actually close after another 30d or not.
>> Likewise, we can monitor certain conditions such as new issues without
>> comments, issues with patch that may require committer attention etc.
>> Those issues being closed as “Later” will also be nagged every 12months
>> by the script, probably triggering either re-open or final close.
>> Another idea is to have some kind of "parked" state in JIRA - like,
>> not Closed but not Open either. I'm not convinced that won't add to
>> the noise, but it might at least give us a better sense for ideas we
>> just haven't gotten to and issues we haven't really looked at yet.
>> We already have the “Later” resolution (6
>> <https://issues.apache.org/jira/issues/?jql=project%20=%20SOLR%20AND%20resolution%20=%20Later>
>>  issues
>> in Solr, 14
>> <https://issues.apache.org/jira/issues/?jql=project%20=%20LUCENE%20AND%20resolution%20=%20Later>
>>  in
>> Lucene).
>> Jan

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