Hi -

I wanted to maximize eyeballs on this, so sending to the list instead
of as a comment in an issue.

I believe we are at the point where we can lock Confluence to further
edits and start the conversion process. If there are no objections, I
plan to lock Confluence to edits this week on FRIDAY morning, MAY 5.
That gives folks a couple more days to work on stuff you may have been

As a reminder of where we are:

- We have a build script to make a PDF, and the PDF half the size is
is from Confluence
- We have a process to vote on and publish the PDF (basically, the same process)
- We have agreement on where to host the HTML version
- We have documented steps for how to publish the HTML version
- We have a Jenkins job that's building the PDF and HTML version daily
- We've agreed on how to deal with branches & backports

Not all of the subtasks are complete in SOLR-10290, but 2 of those
relate to converting the content, and the others are either not
showstoppers IMO or depend on getting this part done. Anyone have any
other issues they feel need to be resolved before we start flipping
this switch?

If we start this conversion soon, we'll have the new Ref Guide for
Solr 6.6, which personally I'd like to do to get acclimated to the
process before the major edits that we'll need to do for 7.0.

Once we have the content migrated, we can merge the branch
"jira/solr-10290" to master and backport it to 6x for releasing the
Ref Guide for 6.6.

Again, if there are no objections, I plan to lock Confluence to edits
this week on Friday morning, May 5. I intend to put a banner across
the page to warn potential editors that it's locked. And assuming all
goes well, we won't need to re-enable edits later.


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