
According to 
https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.apache.solr/solr-solrj/8.4.1 SolrJ now 
has 29 compile-time dependencies. Those are the ones explicitly mentioned in 
ivy.xml and I believe that the number would be even higher if we used 
transitive dependencies.
That means that if you want to include SolrJ in a small app for just searching 
Solr, you get a ton of dependencies in your project that you may not need and 
that increase the chance of collision with other libs in your all.

So I want to raise the question whether it is time to take some action here.

Otions may include:
Get rid of unneeded deps
Explicitly exclude deps from gradle build that we know we do not need
Modularize SolrJ into a solrj-core and solrj-xxx, where solrj-core would be the 
minimum anyone would need to do the basics
Look into shading select libs that often cause collisions

Let the discussion begin :)


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