Without reading much or replying to any specific points made on this thread, 
here's my raw thoughts on this age-old topic.... (finally  coming out of my 
cocoon after taking things in for a bit)

Solr is a search -server- with distributed capabilities, that leverages the 
magic of Lucene underneath.  Solr depends on Lucene, is a consumer of it.  
Lucene is a tight search -library- with little to no external dependencies.  
Their purposes and end-users are different.

I was never really for the grand unification of Lucene and Solr back in the day 

  - Solr's developer experience would be greatly streamlined, faster, cleaner, 
leaner, and focused
  - Having Lucene change when Solr doesni't (yet) adapt to those changes leads 
to confusion and inconsistency, loose wires hanging out of the wall unconnected 
or duct taped together
  - It simply makes sense to keep Lucene versioned and tightly controlled for 
upgrades, various testing configurations varying Lucene versions, within Solr
  - Solr could have a very concerted upgrade effort for Lucene capability 
jumps, with a focused upgrade effort at the changed/improved/added touch points 
just like other dependencies within Solr (like Tika and Jetty)

Those points all kinda say the same thing.... Solr depends on "lucene.jar" and 
I'm in the camp that thinks Solr and Lucene development, communities, and 
end-users/consumers would all greatly benefit from a fancy new TLP and focused 
community for solr.apache.org <http://solr.apache.org/> and a tight(er) 
relationship with the Lucene community as an involved and vested consumer.


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