Hi Everyone!
   From now on, I intend to request/nag/demand/veto code changes, which
affect default code paths for most users, be accompanied by performance
testing numbers for it (e.g. [1]). Opt in features are fine, I won't
personally bother about them (but if you'd like to perf test them, it would
set a great precedent anyway).

I will also work on setting up automated performance and stress testing
[2], but in the absence of that, let us do performance test manually and
report them in the JIRA. Unless we don't hold ourselves to a high
standards, performance will be a joke whereby performance regressions can
creep in without the committer(s) taking any responsibility towards those
users affected by it (SOLR-14665).

A benchmarking suite that I am working on is at
https://github.com/thesearchstack/solr-bench (SOLR-10317). A stress test
suite is under development (SOLR-13933). If you wish to use either of
these, I shall offer help and support (please ping me on Slack directly or
#solr-dev, or open a Github Issue on that repo).


[1] -
[2] -

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