On Wed, 23 Sep 2020 at 18:56, Tom DuBuisson <to...@muse.dev> wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 23, 2020 at 9:11 AM Alexandre Rafalovitch <arafa...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
>> I would be super-curious to see how well it would be able to support
>> Solr's gradle build with all the dark magic we seem to have in it.
> Perhaps I should keep it a secret and ratchet up the suspense, but I'm not 
> much of a showman.
> The Infer and FSB tools ran on Solr seemingly fine 
> (https://console.muse.dev/result/TomMD/lucene-solr/01EG97PRSVXT35Z1E9T3SKA9V2?search=solr&tab=results)
>  but with the noise level you expect on a large project with subtle 
> invariants.  The error prone results are lacking so I'll investigate.
The results are long enough that they could benefit from faceted
search by source, file, error type, etc. I wish there was an
open-source product you could leverage for such custom structured
search :-) (Yes, I realize your primary interface is PR with much less

>> P.p.s. Medium term, I would love to write a custom check that
>> complains about missing @since Javadoc tags for anything that is
>> pluggable/module like, including Analyzers, UpdateRequestProcessors,
>> Stream Components, etc. Knowing when each individual module is
>> introduced is super useful for those on older versions and my previous
>> attempts at fixing this required standalone code that even I cannot
>> get to run again easily now.
> I know we tweeted about this, but to bring that conversation to the ML: The 
> fastest way to write such a check is probably with an Error Prone plugin.  
> There isn't any support yet for ErrorProne plugins inside of Muse, but this 
> has been on our minds for a while.  If someone beats me ot making an error 
> prone pass then I'll gladly make a way to run it.

I have given error-prone a quick go. It works nicely when I installed
IntelliJ plugin linked from their website.

But for custom plugin..... Let's just say I got lost between
annotation processing during plugin compilation, annotation processing
including plugin, module/project dependencies and IntelliJ Idea's
options to make it work. So, I could not get a trivial example end to
end in Idea's default project setup.

But.... they have an example that I could import into IntelliJ idea
and get it to work with Gradle setup:
(clone whole repo, point IntelliJ at just that directory as a project,
let it recognize Gradle, etc).

So, theoretically, if you take that custom plugin and manage to figure
out how to apply it to a custom project, I can keep beating my head on
my own specialized needs in parallel.

Anyway, the rest of this thread is probably not lucene-dev worthy. At
least not until there is something to show.


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