
There are 324 open PRs. Some numbers:
Number updated last month: 40
Number not touched last 4 months: 249 (77%)
With LUCENE in title: 93
With SOLR in title: 181

It would be nice to auto migrate but some times you just have to face changes 
and do some extra work :)
Given how easy it is to create a new PR in the new repo based on the existing 
PR branch, I say we just clearly document how to do it, and let the ~50 PRs 
that are actually being worked on be re-created. PR author can add a link to 
the old one to reference review comments that cannot be carried over.

It would be misleading to just rename to either solr or lucene. Much better to 
leave old repo there with a README notice that people need to clone the new 
repo(s) or update their remotes.


> 8. mar. 2021 kl. 17:21 skrev Uwe Schindler <u...@thetaphi.de>:
> Hi again,
> we can maybe "improve" the situation a bit: On Github you can (with 
> Admin/Ownership rights) rename a project. So my suggestion:
> - Check pull requests and count how many affect solr and how many affect 
> Lucene.
> - In cooperation with Infra rename the Github project 
> ("apache/lucene-solr.git") to "apache/lucene.git" (if more pull requests 
> affect Lucene) or "apache/solr.git" (if more are Solr). The PRs will survive 
> the rename. Also the old GitHub URL will redirect to the renamed one. The 
> other project should be created as a fork - of course without PRs.
> We can only do this in cooperation with Apache Infra stuff, because we can' 
> change the Github repo settings or rename them using the Github UI.
> Uwe
> -----
> Uwe Schindler
> Achterdiek 19, D-28357 Bremen
> https://www.thetaphi.de
> eMail: u...@thetaphi.de
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Uwe Schindler <u...@thetaphi.de>
>> Sent: Monday, March 8, 2021 5:16 PM
>> To: dev@lucene.apache.org
>> Subject: RE: Repository fork (master) about to happen (Wednesday)
>> I think the problem was what happens with the PR in Githubs user interface.
>> This question was asked many times, answer is simple: NO you can't move over
>> Pull requests to different repositories on Github! It's also impossible to 
>> export
>> and reimport them. People have to recreate them.
>> Dawid is correct: You can merge the pull request also into another rlocal
>> repository, but this is impossible with the Github UI. So basically, you 
>> have to
>> read the email that comes in with the Pull Request that lists the link to the
>> branch and patch. Then use git command line (or Tortoise) and copypaste the
>> URL there as "source branch" for the merge. Then you execute the merge,
>> squash and commit/push.
>> Uwe
>> -----
>> Uwe Schindler
>> Achterdiek 19, D-28357 Bremen
>> https://www.thetaphi.de
>> eMail: u...@thetaphi.de
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Dawid Weiss <dawid.we...@gmail.com>
>>> Sent: Monday, March 8, 2021 3:25 PM
>>> To: Lucene Dev <dev@lucene.apache.org>
>>> Subject: Re: Repository fork (master) about to happen (Wednesday)
>>>> What happens to open PRs?
>>> A pull request on github is essentially a diff between two commits.
>>> Existing PRs have to be placed on top of the new development branch.
>>> Note these repositories are (initially) identical with lucene-solr so
>>> if somebody clones the solr repo and the solr-lucene repo, they can
>>> create the same PR over at the new project (pointing at the new main
>>> branch as a reference).
>>> Dawid
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