There’s a subject line I never thought I’d type :)

Firstly: can I say how much I appreciate all the work that’s gone into the 
gradle build? I’ve been doing lots of small PRs for the spans-to-queries work 
and being able to run checks multiple times in an extremely efficient manner 
has been a life saver.  Massive thanks to Dawid, and also to Robert for all the 
work on speeding up tests.

I think may have found a bug in the input configuration for our license header 
checks.  Thanks to the new build, I have been running `./gradlew check` before 
pushing code, but it has let through files with missing headers a few times, 
which were subsequently caught by the GitHub action running on the PR.

So I tried the following:
- start a new git branch
- run ./gradlew rat -> everything should pass
- edit one of the files to remove the license header
- run ./gradlew rat -> still passes!
- run ./gradlew clean
- run ./gradlew rat -> now I get an error

This looks to me like the fileset that the rat task is looking at is not set up 
correctly, but I don’t know enough gradle to actually work out what is wrong 
and what the fix should be.

- A
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