On Tue, Nov 22, 2011 at 9:21 PM, Chris Hostetter
<hossman_luc...@fucit.org> wrote:

> (Remember: "fail on warning" is not a feature of javadoc, or the
> <javadoc/> nat target -- it's something special we do in our build.xml.
> It's sometihng that in general i think is a very good idea, and i don't
> suggest we change it, but it's the reason why we shouldn't just say "it's
> oracles problem" when javadoc spits out a warning because the URL is down)

While its true we do something special here to intentionally fail, I
actually think its still not our bug, should be a feature of javadoc,
and should be part of the ant target (they claim to strive for
reproducable builds)

If you don't fail on this warning, you don't actually have a
reproducable build: your 'javadocs' target generates different output
depending upon whether oracle's server is working correctly or not at
the time you ran it.

This is why I agree with your fix (versus adding a regular expression
to ignore the warning in addition to Uwe's java 7 hack)... its just
about whether it should be a blocker to release or not.

Because chances are within the 72 hour vote period the link starts
working again... if this happens will you rescind your -1?


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