
Smoke tester passes.

Solr Changes look good, except that the “Upgrading from Solr 4.5.0” section” 
follows “Detailed Change List”, but should be above it; and one change 
attribution didn’t get recognized because it’s missing parens: "Elran Dvir via 
Erick Erickson".  Definitely not worth a respin in either case.

Lucene Changes look good, except that the “API Changes” section in Changes.html 
is formatted as an item in the “Bug Fixes” section, rather than its own 
section.  I’ll fix.  (The issue is that “API Changes:” in CHANGES.txt has a 
trailing colon - the section name regex should allow this.)  This is probably 
not worth a respin.

Lucene and Solr Documentation pages look good, except that the "File Formats” 
link from the Lucene Documentation page leads to the 4.5 format doc, rather 
than the 4.6 format doc (Lucene46Codec was introduced by LUCENE-5215).  This is 
respin-worthy.  Updating this is not automated now - it’s hard-coded in 
lucene/site/xsl/index.xsl - the default codec doesn’t change in every release.  
I’ll try to automate extracting the default from 
o.a.l.codecs.Codec#defaultCodec [ = Codec.forName(“Lucene46”)].

Lucene and Solr Javadocs look good.


On Nov 14, 2013, at 4:37 AM, Simon Willnauer <simon.willna...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Please vote for the first Release Candidate for Lucene/Solr 4.6.0
> you can download it here:
> http://people.apache.org/~simonw/staging_area/lucene-solr-4.6.0-RC1-rev1541686
> or run the smoke tester directly with this commandline (don't forget
> to set JAVA6_HOME etc.):
> python3.2 -u dev-tools/scripts/smokeTestRelease.py
> http://people.apache.org/~simonw/staging_area/lucene-solr-4.6.0-RC1-rev1541686
> 1541686 4.6.0 /tmp/smoke_test_4_6
> I integrated the RC into Elasticsearch and all tests pass:
> https://github.com/s1monw/elasticsearch/commit/765e3194bb23f202725bfb28d9a2fd7cc71b49de
> Smoketester said: SUCCESS! [1:15:57.339272]
> here is my +1
> Simon
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