The PMC Chair is going to marry tomorrow... Simon has to come here and not do 
new RCs! :)

In any case, thanks for doing the release, Simon. I will do the next!


Simon Willnauer <> schrieb:
>Thanks Steve I won't get to this until next week. I will upload a new
>RC on monday.
>Sent from my iPhone
>> On 14 Nov 2013, at 20:20, Steve Rowe <> wrote:
>> I’ve committed fixes, to lucene_solr_4_6 as well as to branch_4x and
>trunk, for all the problems I mentioned.  
>> The first revision including all these is 1542030.
>> Steve
>>> On Nov 14, 2013, at 1:16 PM, Steve Rowe <> wrote:
>>> -1
>>> Smoke tester passes.
>>> Solr Changes look good, except that the “Upgrading from Solr 4.5.0”
>section” follows “Detailed Change List”, but should be above it; and
>one change attribution didn’t get recognized because it’s missing
>parens: "Elran Dvir via Erick Erickson".  Definitely not worth a respin
>in either case.
>>> Lucene Changes look good, except that the “API Changes” section in
>Changes.html is formatted as an item in the “Bug Fixes” section, rather
>than its own section.  I’ll fix.  (The issue is that “API Changes:” in
>CHANGES.txt has a trailing colon - the section name regex should allow
>this.)  This is probably not worth a respin.
>>> Lucene and Solr Documentation pages look good, except that the "File
>Formats” link from the Lucene Documentation page leads to the 4.5
>format doc, rather than the 4.6 format doc (Lucene46Codec was
>introduced by LUCENE-5215).  This is respin-worthy.  Updating this is
>not automated now - it’s hard-coded in lucene/site/xsl/index.xsl - the
>default codec doesn’t change in every release.  I’ll try to automate
>extracting the default from o.a.l.codecs.Codec#defaultCodec [ =
>>> Lucene and Solr Javadocs look good.
>>> Steve
>>>> On Nov 14, 2013, at 4:37 AM, Simon Willnauer
><> wrote:
>>>> Please vote for the first Release Candidate for Lucene/Solr 4.6.0
>>>> you can download it here:
>>>> or run the smoke tester directly with this commandline (don't
>>>> to set JAVA6_HOME etc.):
>>>> python3.2 -u dev-tools/scripts/
>>>> 1541686 4.6.0 /tmp/smoke_test_4_6
>>>> I integrated the RC into Elasticsearch and all tests pass:
>>>> Smoketester said: SUCCESS! [1:15:57.339272]
>>>> here is my +1
>>>> Simon
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Uwe Schindler
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