Hey Shad,

Sorry for not responding sooner. The last few weeks have been pretty crazy
for me (vacation and now a production release at work) so I haven't had a
chance to look into it further. I am hoping that within the next week or so
things will calm down so that I can take another look.

As a side question, related to something I am working on at work, do you
know if there is a reason why classes like IndexSearcher, IndexWriter, and
IndexReader don't implement interfaces? I was trying to build a wrapper
around some of these classes that log queries and performance details but
had to resort to some pretty hacky code since there are no interfaces for
these classes.

On Wed, Oct 5, 2016 at 6:23 AM Shad Storhaug <s...@shadstorhaug.com> wrote:

> > Analysis.ICU (Depends on ICU4j) hopefully we can remove the ICU DLLs
> from the analysis.commons module?
> Just for clarification, these are two entirely different things in Java.
> Analysis.Common (Analysis.Collator and Analysis.Th) depends on parts of
> Java:
> import java.text.BreakIterator;
> import java.text.Collator;
> import java.text.ParseException;
> import java.text.RuleBasedCollator;
> Highlighter.PostingsHighlighter and Highlighter.VectorHighlight also
> depend on parts of Java:
> import java.text.BreakIterator;
> import java.text.CharacterIterator;
> Analysis.ICU depends on a separate (icu4j) package:
> import com.ibm.icu.text.Normalizer;
> import com.ibm.icu.text.Normalizer2;
> import com.ibm.icu.text.Transliterator;
> import com.ibm.icu.text.Replaceable;
> import com.ibm.icu.text.Transliterator;
> import com.ibm.icu.text.UTF16;
> import com.ibm.icu.text.UnicodeSet;
> import com.ibm.icu.text.FilteredNormalizer2;
> import com.ibm.icu.text.Collator;
> import com.ibm.icu.text.RuleBasedCollator;
> import com.ibm.icu.util.ULocale;
> import com.ibm.icu.text.RawCollationKey;
> That said, icu4j DOES have Collator and RuleBasedCollator classes, but it
> DOES NOT have a BreakIterator or CharacterIterator class. It is unclear
> whether the Collator from icu4j would work as a replacement for the one in
> core Java.
> When I was digging through the JDK code, I noticed that BreakIterator and
> RuleBasedCollator have a lot of common ICU dependencies there, so even if
> the RuleBasedCollator from icu4j is compatible, it might make sense for us
> to port the one from Java anyway so we are dealing with the same shared
> dependencies in Analysis.Common.
> Once we port over the classes from the Java JDK, we will be able to
> eliminate our current ICU4NET dependency (and the platform issues that come
> with it). That said, porting over those pieces could take considerable
> work. In the interim it might make sense to make separate projects/NuGet
> packages to isolate the areas that depend on BreakIterator,
> CharacterIterator, and RuleBasedCollator so the rest can be released for
> wide/cross-platform use. Perhaps we can even make a basic (scaled down)
> BreakIterator for Highlighter that breaks on spaces between words and
> punctuation between sentences, which wouldn't work for Thai, but would work
> for most other languages.
> Porting the (icu4j) package is another complete ball of yarn, we should
> take a look at (https://github.com/sillsdev/icu-dotnet) to see if there
> is enough overlap there to power Analysis.ICU (offhand it looks as though
> some classes are missing, though). It is a wrapper around the C library -
> it may be that we just need to port more of it to get all of the pieces we
> need.
> Speaking of Collation, @ChristopherHaws have you made any more progress on
> Analysis.Collation? Were you able to determine if icu-dotnet's collator
> will make the tests pass?
> > I'm on it QueryParser.Flexible
> Great. The TimeZone probably just needs more research to work out how to
> utilize (in order to implement the failing test). Also, FYI MSDN's
> recommendation (
> https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.timezone(v=vs.110).aspx)
> is to use TimeZoneInfo rather than TimeZone (I noticed that several of the
> tests were recently modified to use TimeZone rather than TimeZoneInfo).
> As for the culture, in .NET I am pretty sure that we need to pass it as a
> parameter to another overload of `QueryParser.Parse` rather than making it
> a property of QueryParser. But we can deal with that in one step after you
> have finished porting.
> --
> Shad Storhaug (NightOwl888)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: itamar.synhers...@gmail.com [mailto:itamar.synhers...@gmail.com] On
> Behalf Of Itamar Syn-Hershko
> Sent: Wednesday, October 5, 2016 5:28 AM
> To: dev@lucenenet.apache.org
> Cc: Connie Yau
> Subject: Re: Remaining Work/Priorities
> Awesome, thanks for all the hard work Shad!
> Our first priority should be fixing all remaining tests - in particular
> the one in Core. We should be ready to release and stamp our builds as 100%
> stable. As you mentioned, this could be an infrastructure issue - hopefully
> *Connie *can give a status update on her effort on the switch to xUnit?
> With regards to Modules, here's an updated breakdown based on your email +
> forgotten pieces + my comments:
> *Ported:*
> Lucene.Net (Core) - 15 failing / 1989 total Lucene.Net.Analysis.Common - 0
> failing / 1445 total Lucene.Net.Classification - 0 failing / 9 total
> Lucene.Net.Expressions - 0 failing / 94 total Lucene.Net.Facet - (including
> #188 will be) 0 failing / 152 total Lucene.Net.Join - 0 failing / 27 total
> Lucene.Net.Memory - 0 failing / 10 total Lucene.Net.Misc - 2 failing / 42
> total Lucene.Net.Queries - 2 failing / 96 total Lucene.Net.QueryParser - 1
> failing / 203 total Lucene.Net.Suggest - 0 failing / 142 total
> We should do a second pass on the pieces we marked as ported, just to make
> sure the port is full and we didn't leave anything behind :)
> *Need to be ported:*
> Highlighter (Depends on Collator (which is still being ported) and
> BreakIterator (which we don't have a solution that works in .NET core yet))
> Spatial (has 3rd party libraries that need to be updates) Spatial4n (
> https://github.com/synhershko/Spatial4N) needs to be brought up to speed
> with spatial4j, dependencies of which may cause some issues....
> Codecs
> Partially ported, mostly the tests weren't ported Grouping Not urgent, but
> provides nice functionality that users will probably like
> The only part with dependencies seems to be the spatial module - I will
> have a look there soon if you don't get to that before I do.
> *Can wait* - some modules are less frequently used, we should stabilize
> and release first and then work on them based on demand Analysis.ICU
> (Depends on ICU4j) hopefully we can remove the ICU DLLs from the
> analysis.commons module? I keep getting reports on some issues they are
> causing Analysis.Kuromoji Analysis.Morfologik (Depends on Morfologik)
> Analysis.Phonetic (Depends on Apache Commons) Apache commons is mostly
> helper libraries, so there's probably not real dependency just lots of
> replacement Analysis.SmartCN Analysis.Stempel (currently in progress)
> Analysis.UIMA (Depends on Tagger, uimaj-core, WhiteSpaceTokenizer) Demo
> while important because can help newbies, we can do better by providing
> docs and real world examples. I'm on it QueryParser.Flexible
> *No need to port* - neither are needed in our context Benchmark (many
> dependencies) Replicator (many dependencies) Sandbox (Depends on Apache
> Jakarta)
> Once all modules are ported and all tests are passing, I think we should
> get two more items fixed before an official release:
> 1. .NET Core support - I'm not clear on the status of it at the moment. We
> probably want to have it in for the release.
> 2. Public API Inconsistencies. We can discuss what should be done and what
> not when we get to that stage. Some are an obvious "fixme" but some will
> break code compatibility with Java I think we should avoid.
> One last note - *Wyatt*, do we know why there are no CI builds lately?
> --
> Itamar Syn-Hershko
> http://code972.com | @synhershko <https://twitter.com/synhershko>
> Freelance Developer & Consultant Lucene.NET committer and PMC member
> On Sun, Oct 2, 2016 at 10:01 PM, Shad Storhaug <s...@shadstorhaug.com>
> wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I just wanted to open this discussion to talk about the work remaining
> > to be done on Lucene.Net version 4.8.0. We are nearly there, but that
> > doesn't mean we don't still need help!
> >
> >
> > -------------------
> >
> > We now have over 5000 passing tests and as soon as pull request #188 (
> > https://github.com/apache/lucenenet/pull/188) is merged, by my count
> > we have only 20 (actual) failing tests. Here is the breakdown by project:
> >
> > Lucene.Net (Core) - 15 failing / 1989 total Lucene.Net.Analysis.Common
> > - 0 failing / 1445 total Lucene.Net.Classification - 0 failing / 9
> > total Lucene.Net.Expressions - 0 failing / 94 total Lucene.Net.Facet -
> > (including #188 will be) 0 failing / 152 total Lucene.Net.Join - 0
> > failing / 27 total Lucene.Net.Memory - 0 failing / 10 total
> > Lucene.Net.Misc - 2 failing / 42 total Lucene.Net.Queries - 2 failing
> > / 96 total Lucene.Net.QueryParser - 1 failing / 203 total
> > Lucene.Net.Suggest - 0 failing / 142 total
> >
> > The reason why I said ACTUAL tests above is because I recently
> > discovered that many of the "failures" that are being reported are
> > false negatives (in fact, the VS2015 NUnit test runner shows there are
> > 135 failing tests total and 902 tests total that don't belong to any
> > project). Most NUnit 2.6 test runners do not correctly run tests in
> > shared abstract classes with the correct context (test setup) to make
> > them pass. These out-of-context runs add several additional minutes to
> the test run.
> >
> > As an experiment, I upgraded to NUnit 3.4.1 and it helped the
> > situation somewhat - that is, it ran the tests in the correct context
> > and I was able to determine that we have more tests than the numbers
> > above and they are all succeeding. However, it also ran the tests in
> > an invalid context (that is, the context of the abstract class without
> > any setup) and some of them still showed as failures.
> >
> > I know @conniey is currently working on porting the tests over to xUnit.
> > Hopefully, swapping test frameworks alone (or using some of the new
> > fancy test attributes) is enough to fix this issue. If not, we need to
> > find another solution - preferably one that can be applied to all of
> > the tests in abstract classes without too much effort or changing them
> > so they are too different from their Java counterpart.
> >
> > Remaining Pieces to Port
> > ---------------------------------
> >
> > I took an inventory of the remaining pieces left to port a few days
> > ago and here is what that looks like (alphabetical order):
> >
> > 1. Analysis.ICU (Depends on ICU4j)
> > 2. Analysis.Kuromoji
> > 3. Analysis.Morfologik (Depends on Morfologik) 4. Analysis.Phonetic
> > (Depends on Apache Commons) 5. Analysis.SmartCN 6. Analysis.Stempel
> > (currently in progress) 7. Analysis.UIMA (Depends on Tagger,
> > uimaj-core, WhiteSpaceTokenizer) 8. Benchmark (many dependencies) 9.
> > Demo 10. Highlighter (Depends on Collator (which is still being
> > ported) and BreakIterator (which we don't have a solution that works
> > in .NET core yet)) 11. Replicator (many dependencies) 12. Sandbox
> > (Depends on Apache Jakarta) 13. Spatial (Already ported in #174
> > (https://github.com/apache/ lucenenet/pull/174), needs a recent
> > version of spatial4n) 14. QueryParser.Flexible
> >
> > Itamar, it would be helpful if you would be so kind as to organize
> > this list in terms of priority. It also couldn't hurt to update the
> > contributing documents
> > (https://github.com/apache/lucenenet/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md,
> > and
> > https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/LUCENENET/Current+Status
> > with the latest information so anyone who wants to help out knows the
> > current status.
> >
> > Of course, it is the known status of dependencies that we need
> > clarification on. Which of these dependencies is known to be ported?
> > Which of them are ported but are not up to date? Which of them are
> > known not to be ported, and which of them are unknown?
> >
> >
> > Public API Inconsistencies
> > ---------------------------------
> >
> > One thing that I have had my eye on for a while now is the
> > .NETification/consistency of the core API (that is, in the Lucene.Net
> > project). There are several issues that I would like to address
> including:
> >
> >
> > 1.       Method names that are still camelCase
> >
> > 2.       Properties that should be methods (because they do a lot of
> > processing or because they are non-deterministic)
> >
> > 3.       Methods that should be properties
> >
> > 4.       .Size() vs .Size vs .Count - should generally all be .Count in
> > .NET
> >
> > 5.       Interfaces should begin with "I"
> >
> > 6.       Classes should not begin with "I" followed by another capital
> > letter (for some reason some of them were named that way)
> >
> > 7.       .CharAt() should probably be this[]
> >
> > 8.       Generic types nested within generic types (which cause Visual
> > Studio to crash when Intellisense tries to read them)
> >
> > ... and so on. The only thing is these are all sweeping changes that
> > will affect everyone helping out on Lucene.Net and anyone who is
> > currently using the beta. So, I just wanted to gather some input on
> > when the most appropriate time to begin working on these sweeping
> changes would be?
> >
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Shad Storhaug (NightOwl888)
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >

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