On 18 May 2011 23:38, Louis Suarez-Potts <lsuarezpo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> On 2011-05-13, at 04:39 , Ian Lynch wrote:
> > I know this might be a bit of an emotive topic for some, but wouldn't it
> be an idea to open up dialogue with the LibreOffice people? A split
> community was never an ideal situation from a simple logical point of view.
> Ok, there are emotional wounds to heal but talking about possibilities
> without any commitment on either side can't do any harm. Maybe this is
> already happening?
> Actually, Florian and I are discussing that exactly. The days of stiff
> difference are over with; were over with when Oracle renounced OOo as a
> revenue source. And in their lieu, discussions of reconciliation.
> To be sure, there are still personal differences. These are, to me, not
> irrelevant but ought not to stop the development of the code by the larger
> community.
> What counts, what makes up, what comprises that larger community is of some
> debate. We need a lot of money to develop the code. We need, that is, far
> more than LibreOffice or TDF or any single company can probably provide.
> Figure more than 10M USD/annum.  That's to develop the code, test it,
> distribute it, and move ahead into areas that go beyond the limits of
> legacy.
> Unfortunately, for something like OOo, a "community effort," still needs
> huge buckets of money. It's not about corporations, per se. It's about
> needing to get dedicated developers, one way or another, working on the
> code, so that it can be reliably produced, and satisfy the most demanding
> expectations.
> Meanwhile, I continue to drive ODF interest, and continue to represent OOo
> at ODF events; and continue to represent, as much as I can, as energetically
> as I can, to the world. I have no animus toward LibreOffice, though I do
> have my share of doubts; but my spirit is stamped with OOo, its community,
> its goal, of providing reliable and reliably, the best productivity tools
> there are to the most people.

This is good to hear, and if we need 10m per year lets work out strategies
to generate it.


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