Hi Romains,

On 23/08/16 09:56, Romain Manni-Bucau wrote:
Hi guys,

just saw m-w-p 3.0.0 vote was on the list without


When I asked about that some months ago the feedback was "not for a minor"
but for 3.0.0 I don't see why it couldn't have been done. Here is how I see

It hasn't been done simply cause this ticket has been closed in January 2016 which means seven months ago and before that this ticket has not been touched for six years...without any reqeust to it nor any VOTE for it or at least a supplemental comment to it. Nor has been ever attached a patch to it?

Unfortunately I couldn't find any request here on the DEV list from you nor on the user list ...related to this (May be I oversight something)...

- changing it now will not break existing app

If I would really go and would change that only in a patch version this would break backward compatibility...


What I can do is to drop the release VOTE and change the default for the value from "true" to "false" and respin the release...

Checking the classpath for classes Java > 5 is not the purpose of the maven-war-plugin...nor that simple...

- it will enable modern (EE 6 and therefore Servlet 3.0 was out in 1999 so
"modern") developments without any customization need (it is quite a pain
to have to configure it each time you create a war)

Would it be possible to re-evaluate this issue (and avoid to auto-close it
which more or less leads to ignoring it)?

The auto close was don cause it hasn't got an attention for six years ...

Personally I don't see any issue having it fixed for 3.0.1.

See my reasons above...

Kind regards
Karl Heinz Marbaise

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