Hi Robert,

On 10/09/16 16:54, Robert Scholte wrote:
Hi Karl Heinz,

when looking at Aether it is not aware of a MavenProject. Instead it is
transferring Files.

Yes I know..

My idea was to have a thin layer on top op (Sonatype/Eclipse) Aether and
to avoid too much Maven Core mixin.

Yes I have understood that...

But it did cross my mind to use the MavenProject as the entity instead
of File.

A file is a good idea to be flexible..but a MavenProject would also make sense, cause it will make plugin usage more simpler..(extension usage as well ;-) ).

Apart from that the component contains already ProjectCoordinate (which isnt't anywhere)...

It will come with some other interesting possibilities:
updating meta after all files are uploaded, otherwise you'll need to
write this inside the plugin(s).

That's what came up to me by looking into maven-install-plugin...

It will introduce an extra layer and we must be aware that Aether's
DeployRequest cannot be translated back and forward to the
artifact-transfer DeployRequest.
It is a design question and I think it is worth adding it.

The DeployRequest I have only taken cause it is done via this in maven-deploy-plugin...I would say it is not really neccessary...

So first I would suggest to add DeployProject (better name?) to the package:


as well as DeployRequest (it does not contain any Aether specific things; no imports here)....(May be it can be removed)...

and something like InstallProject and InstallRequest (need to think about it) to:


If you have no objections....

I will give it a try and see how it works...

Kind regards
Karl Heinz


On Sat, 10 Sep 2016 15:27:35 +0200, Karl Heinz Marbaise
<khmarba...@gmx.de> wrote:


so after using the maven-artifact-transfer a time I have realized
there seemed to be some lack of funcionality from my point of view...

My extension[1] will deploy all projects at the end of the session and
I had to write down a lot of code to deploy a project...the same
meaning for install a project...(Not yet done but I will deployAtEnd /
installAtEnd problem).

So I wrote a class[2] which contains this code (most of this is of
course taken from maven-deploy-plugin):

and now you simply deploy the whole projects of a maven project with a
few lines of code(The following is special for the extension):

ArtifactRepository repository =

List<MavenProject> sortedProjects =

for ( MavenProject mavenProject : sortedProjects )
   DeployRequest deployRequest = new DeployRequest().setProject(
mavenProject ).setUpdateReleaseInfo( true );

executionEvent.getSession().getProjectBuildingRequest(), deployRequest,
                                          repository );

So in the end if you like to do that from a usual maven plugin this
reduces to having a MavenSession and of course a project you would
like to deploy...

About the DeployRequest I'm not sure if it belongs to
maven-artifact-transfer but I have strong trend to...

So the question is:
   Does it make sense to integrate those classes into
maven-artifact-transfer ?

This would simplify the implementation in maven-deploy-plugin and
other plugins as well (maven-install-plugin, maven-invoker-plugin,
maven-assembly-plugin, maven-shade-plugin etc.)..

I think similar code can be extracted to handle installing of a
project (as in maven-install-plugin already done)...


Kind regards
Karl Heinz Marbaise

[1]: https://github.com/khmarbaise/maven-deployer-extension

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Mit freundlichem Gruß
Karl-Heinz Marbaise
SoftwareEntwicklung Beratung Schulung    Tel.: +49 (0) 2405 / 415 893
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