Am 2016-12-14 um 18:14 schrieb Christian Schulte:
Am 12/14/16 um 17:57 schrieb Robert Scholte:

I read the comment but I'm not sure I follow. The original setup is a
widely used pattern: give dependencies which should always have the
test-scope this scope in the dependencyManagement of the parent.
Considering the case below it must be possible to give easymock the
test-scope (I cannot imagine it is used as compile/runtime dependency)

When managing a transitive dependency to 'test' scope, that transitive
dependency must not be resolved the same way it would not be resolved
when set to 'test' scope directly.

A -> B (test) -> C (test)

When resolving A, B and C will not be resolved.

A (manages B and C to test) -> B (managed to test) -> C (managed to test)

When resolving A, B and C will not be resolved. Currently they are
resolved due to a bug. Bugfix makes the 'test' scope consistently
non-transitive. The real issue behind this is: "Why is test scope not

After rereading, it perfectly makes sense what you are saying and the question you are asking.


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