So extensions for WorkspaceReader can't be used like described here[1]
inside the pom.xml?
Does that mean I have to put my extension in the maven classpath to
make it work?

If I do tis, is it still possible to configure the Extension inside
the pom or has it to be done by system-properties?


2017-10-17 9:00 GMT+02:00 Mikolaj Izdebski <>:
> On 10/16/2017 12:39 PM, Paul Hammant wrote:
>>> This should be possible by providing WorkspaceReader implementation -
>>> @Component( role = WorkspaceReader.class, hint = "ide" )
>>> Note that Maven tries resolution from workspace *before* repositories -
>>> workspace reader has priority lower than reactor, but higher than remote
>>> repos known to Maven.
>> WorkspaceReader functionality is or is not a thing that can be set in
>> pom.xml files?
> When POM is parsed, workspace reader is already loaded, so it would be
> too late. So it needs to be loaded by an extension.
>> Are there any examples in public that use WorkspaceReader in use to
>> source a dep from outside of maven central (or the projects sibling
>> modules)?
> Eclipse M2E is one example. Another one is XMvn, which uses workspace
> reader to resolve dependencies from system repository (not in Maven format):
>> - Paul
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> Mikolaj Izdebski
> Software Engineer, Red Hat
> IRC: mizdebsk
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