On 15 Apr 2018, at 1:29 AM, Hervé BOUTEMY <herve.bout...@free.fr> wrote:

> yes, this will require a xhtml5 Doxia sink
> since each skin defines a site template as direct html source (without Doxia 
> interaction), the maven-site-plugin switch from xhtml to xhtml5 would have to 
> be done on configuration from the skin: looks like a good addition to skin 
> model [1]

> [1] https://maven.apache.org/doxia/doxia-sitetools/doxia-skin-model/

Having looked at this in some detail, this is what I've found.

maven-doxia is reasonably straightforward. I’ve added an xhtml5 module, and so 
far this seems to work alongside the other modules.

The maven-site-plugin uses maven-doxia-sitetools to render output. Makes sense.

maven-doxia-sitetools is welded firmly to the xhtml module from maven-doxia - 
most specifically, org.apache.maven.doxia.siterenderer.sink.SiteRendererSink 
extends org.apache.maven.doxia.module.xhtml.XhtmlSink.

The approach I am looking at for this is as follows:

- Add an xhtml5 module to maven-doxia, implementing the stricter XML version of 

- Branch v2.0.x of maven-doxia-sitetools, and in this new branch, shift all 
code that extends org.apache.maven.doxia.module.xhtml.XhtmlSink to extend 
org.apache.maven.doxia.module.xhtml5.Xhtml5Sink instead.

- By default, v2.0.x of maven-doxia-sitetools will produce (X)HTML5.

- Branch v4.0 of maven-site-plugin. This new branch will depend on 
maven-doxia-sitetools v2.0 by default, and will generate HTML5 by default, and 
skins will need to be tweaked accordingly.

- To upgrade from XHTML to (X)HTML5, upgrade your maven-site-plugin in your 

I am in the process of patching the above to make all of this so, but I’d 
appreciate it if I could get confirmation that this approach is sane before I 
get too far into this. Can someone confirm?


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